Chapter Nineteen

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“Ali, it’s time to wake up.” I felt myself being shaken by someone and with a groan; I whacked the person’s hand away. Sleep was something I looked forward to and being woken from it was something not appreciated by me.

Before I even had time to anticipate what happened next, ice cold water was being poured over my head, earning a shriek from me. It was bad enough that it was winter and we were in England, but pouring ice cold water on me just topped the cherry on the bad cake.

“ISA YOU BETTER RUN!” My lungs felt dry as soon as the threat came out but I didn’t care since the only thing I could see right now was red.

Ripping the comforter off me I began my journey to finding Isa. I had no idea where he had gotten to since I told him to run. A part of me was saying that I was stupid to have shouted at him just for waking me up but the other, madder, side kept telling me to find him and drop an ounce of cold water on him too, to see how he liked it. Then again thinking with a temper got no one anywhere, so I decided to just find him and see what he needed.

My clothes were now successfully sticking to me like a second skin which my teeth clatter together. The fact that it was cold too didn’t make the situation at all better. One of my knitted jumpers was lying on the floor and in a swift movement I had it on, trying to get away from the cold that was now surrounding my entire body. It helped to an extent that it covered my wet body, but the coldness was still there and my teeth refused to stop making noises, which annoyed me. 

Changing my clothes was probably the more reasonable thing to do here before going to find Isa, but I could do that later too seeing he was in a rush to wake me up. I opened the door to the bedroom which we were sleeping in and got out the room and scanned the living room to see if Isa was there. He wasn’t. My feet began moving towards the bathroom to see if he was in there, and sure enough he wasn’t in there either; though the bucket he used to pour water on me was there, just rooted to ground as if it was oh so innocent.

Heading out the bathroom I made sure to check the kitchen, behind the couches and even went back in the bedroom to see if he had been hiding in there. None of the places I checked though was where he was and I began to get agitated when thinking how good he must have been when playing hide and seek. Alhamdulilah, I thought when realising I had never played the game with him. But where could he have gone though? It was unusual for him to even hide in the first place, though I did tell him to run.

Then again, run and hide are completely two different things. Sucking in a deep breath I began shouting his name again, “Isa? I’m not mad anymore, where are you?” I asked out but got no response back.

He couldn’t have gone far; maybe out of the apartment for something so shrugging it off I decided to take a shower to pry the sticky clothes off of me. It didn’t look like we were going to going out today, so I settled with a pair of sweats and one of the many maternity tops that I now owned. It was nothing special, just black and white stripes going across the top.

After the shower I felt more relaxed and sure enough when opening the door to the bathroom I had heard some sizzling coming from the pan. That was all it took to get a smile on my face because for definite now, Isa had to be back. No one else could have just walked in here and decided to make something for them to eat, right?

“Will you hurt me?” Was the first thing I was questioned with as I got out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel hanging off my arm.

I looked at him in question with my eyebrow raised but didn’t say anything. Instead, I went back to the room and got out the blow dryer before my hair decided to have frost bites hanging on the bottom. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to talk to Isa but a few minutes of the silent treatment wouldn’t kill him right?

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