My Choice

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DISCLAIMER BEFORE YOU READ THIS STORY! I was pretty young when I wrote this & I know that some things weren't very 'Islamic' so I apologise for that. If you can handle that then you may carry on reading, otherwise I wouldn't bother. Nothing major (I hope) just a few antics here and there.



It was that night that I had first saw her. She stood with two other girls surrounding her as she laughed to something that they were saying to her. Dimples formed on either sides of her cheeks and her green eyes seemed to sparkle with a glint of happiness.

I shamelessly continued to stare at her until I got my head together and finally lowered my gaze; something I should have done a while ago. Something about her though didn't make me want to lower my gaze before and that scared me a little.

People all around me were laughing and chatting to each other while some occasionally came up to me to congratulate me on my sisters' wedding. My attention wasn't on them though, it was on the girl who stood a few feet away from me. So close, yet so far away.

In my head I kept thinking why I had never seen her in my life before. Surely someone as beautiful as her couldn't be walking around without getting noticed! It suddenly occured to me how haraam these thoughts were, so I quickly shook them off and tried getting that green eyed girl out of my head; though I must say I was failing a little.

Little by little, I tried to concentrate on my two best friends Ali and Adam who had a somehow animated conversation going on. Normally they'd be putting each other in headlocks but I guess my warning about them ruining my sisters' wedding paid off.

"Dude, trust me. Our boy Isa here is going to be the next one on that stage with a future wife." Adam stated quie confidently while beaming and patting me on my shoulder as I choked on the Fanta that I was currently drinking.

Was he serious?! I was only nineteen for crying out loud, marriage isn't even close to what I should be doing with my life right now! Then again, the green eyed beauty came back and clouded my thoughts and I suddenly pictured her up there with me on that stage getting ready to be declared as Mrs. Isa Mohammed. I liked it; I shouldn't be liking it though.

"What are you talking about man? I'm no ready for that kind of commitment yet." I said to myself and just as the words left my mouth, flashbacks of this morning came back to me.


I was heading downstairs after sleeping for so long that I felt my limbs go numb with every step I took down the stairs, somehow I made it into the kitchen though and by now my legs had started to come back to life again.

"Isa dear sit down, me and your mother would like to speak to you." The sound of Dad's voice surprised me that I nearly jumped from the shock of it. But I restrained myself.

I merely nodded at both of my parents as I went over to sit on one of the stools around the kitchen island. Taking their time, they both came over to me and sat down opposite me with no emotion on their faces at all. Usually they would both be cheerful, I guess this morning was not the case.

"Salaam." I started off the conversation tha we were about to have and they both replied back to me by saying 'Walaikumasalaam'.

"Habibi, what do you think of marriage?" Mom started off and for a minute I thought she was joking with me until I saw the wrinkles in her forehead appear and they only did when she was serious about something. I mostly resembled Mom with hazel eyes and dark brown hair.

To say I was taken back by the question was an understatement. Sure I had thought of the idea before but I had always thought that I would think about it in more detail when I was atleast in my early twenties. Not when I was nineteen years of age.

"I-I don't really know." I stuttered out after a long moment of silence.

"Well Isa my son, we have come to a decision that we would like to see our eldest son getting married; which is you." Their words shocked me a little but I made no show of it as they continued. "We would like to see you getting married by the end of the month which is in three weeks and we will give you by the end of this week to choose a suitable wife or we shall choose one for you." Without another word, they both had walked out the kitchen leaving me in a mess with their words.

They wanted to me get married. By the end of this month. Which is in three weeks time. With a girl of my choice. By the end of this week. Or they shall choose one for me.

*End of Flashback*

I was roughly shaken by Ali looking at me weirdly from my little zone out session that I just had. I shook them both off and without a word I stalked off outside to clear my thoughts.

If my parents would like me to get married then I shall. Possibly with the green eyed beauty who was inside right now chatting away and laughing with her friends. That moment on I made a pledge to myself.

By the end of this week I will know this girl and ask her parents for her hand in marriage; whether she has a choice in it or not.


Asalaamalaikum guys, this is my new/ first story on here and this is just the prologue to get it started. I would love to have some feedback from you guys, whether it's a compliment or criticism. My first dedication goes to @MrsSparkler, I hope you enjoy this!

Also, what do you think of the cover? Love or hate?

Please be honest with me and tell me if you think I should continue with this story! Next update, so the first chapter will be written when I get atleast five votes on this chapter maybe?

Have a Good Day and May God Bless You All. ✌

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