Chapter Eleven

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"No! Isa that's too much salt!" I exclaimed at him as we both argued on how much salt the pasta would need. Right now my tongue felt as if  it would fall by the amount of salt.

"Its fine, you're just over reacting!" This had been going on for about five minutes now but we still hadn't come to a decision on how much salt the pasta needed. It could have been the fact that my taste buds have become a little too sensitive but it was still inedible for me and I was sure as Juhanam (hell) not going to eat that! 

"Fine then! Do what you want, I'm going out." The stubbornness side of me was coming out and that was happening quite a lot ever since we found out I was pregnant two weeks ago. Our family was over whelmed when we had told them as it was going to be their first grand child from both sides of the family. 

I could hear Isa calling me back,  but I continued to put my coat on since it was getting towards the chilly weather of September. There was a five dollar note in my pocket from our grocery trip earlier on so I didn't need to worry about paying for something.

"Habibti wait. I'll come with you." I shrugged at him and continued to walk out the door. The days were becoming shorter now and by now it was getting dark at just 6 o'clock. 

"Where are we going exactly?" He asked me while I looped my arm with his and thought about where we could go. Recently I had been getting cravings for ice cream and just by luck we had run out of it at home. 

"Lets go to the ice cream parlour!" The excitement  was clear in my voice and I certainly couldn't wait to go. It was meant to be a place kids went for birthday parties or just naturally for ice cream, but I hadn't been there in a long time and right now I needed those sundaes. 

"Lets go then!" He chuckled at my choice while giving my knuckles a kiss. I frowned at him in the dark as we rounded the corner to find all the stores on the high road. This was the place in town where all the stores, movie theatre were and right now it wasn't too crowded thank fully. 

"Come on!" I broke away from him and opened the door to the parlour hearing the ding of the bell just above the entrance. I've always loved coming here because they did amazing ice creams and Baba always used to take us when we younger. Thinking about Baba made me sad thinking that I hadn't gone over to their house this entire week. Quickly I let the thought go just as soon as it came as I would go and pay them a surprise visit tomorrow. 

"See anything you like?" Isa came up to me and scanned the little parlour and grinning at the kids that were making faces at him. Seeing that I couldn't help but laugh at how childish Isa could be sometimes and wondered if he would treat our child like that too. My hand went against the baby bump on my stomach and realised that even if the growth took time, the baby was still growing inside of me. 

"Can I have the toffee sundae with sprinkles, chopped banana pieces and cherry sauce please?" After the look I got from Isa and the person behind the cashier who went to get my order I realised how peculiar my sundae was. 

"Well, that was strange." Isa joked at me and got out his wallet but was too late as I placed the five dollar bill on the counter. Like a kid, I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Well if anything, the cravings are your fault." Ever since being pregnant I've become more closer and somewhat more childish to Isa and I think he's been enjoying it. 

"Well I'm just going to have to deal with it about four more times." I could have choked on my spit there. It was out of joy though. Having one child, I thought would have been too much for him but he wants to have five?! 

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