Chapter Two

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The bell had rung a mere second ago and I was now among the crowd of students fighting their way out of the school grounds as they laughed, pushed and chatted loudly to their friends. Me, on the other hand was just hoping that they would go a little faster so I could go home.

I finally made it out to the parking lot where Asif and Akbar were leaning against my car and playing with a football. Oh how I'm going to give them scars if there's a scratch on my car. I may not use it a lot but I'd still like it to look presentable for when I do.

"You two better move away from the car with that in your hands," I said while pointing to the football they were throwing between themselves and their friends. 

Both of them threw their hands up in mock surrender while backing away from the car. Giving their friends one of those 'manly' hugs, they said goodbye and made their way towards me.

"Asalaamalikum Ali, can we go McDonald's?!" Akbar asked. It is official, my whole family is completely and utterly obsessed with food. By now, I had unlocked the car and given both of them hugs while I had a 'thinking' face plastered on my face. Seeing this, Asif started whining and complaining; baby much?

"Calm it Asif. Since when have we not gone to McDonald's after school? It's like tradition anyways," I comforted the fifteen year old baby and in an instant his face had lit up matching Akbar's, though I don't think that's what he was happy about.

I followed his gaze to see that he was staring at someone from across the parking lot. Ameenah to be exact. Ameenah is one of our family friends' daughter and is in the same year as the twins. She was a nice girl with hazel eyes and she wasn't too fat nor too skinny either; she was also one of those people who you could have an easy conversation with as she was very nice. All in all, both families knew that Akbar and Ameenah had something more than friendship towards each other in their minds. Which is why our parents had arranged their marriage for when they were old enough.

"Hey Akbar, staring at her is kind of creepy," I joked to my little brother who had now snapped his attention back to me and Asif who was just standing there lost. At first, we thought that Asif wouldn't like the idea his 'other half' getting married, but he was pretty happy about it.

"Shut up Ali, let's just go," He mumbled out annoyed with me and my wiggling eyebrows. I simply chuckled at him and dragged a still confused Asif along with me to the parked car.

"Okay guys this time don't start singing out Maher Zain nasheeds when we go inside McDonalds okay? I don't want us nearly being thrown out again," I sternly warned them sounding like Mom would with all of us. And yes, they actually do that; five times in a row and counting. I'm surprised we haven't been banned from steeping inside yet.

"Chill Ali, you worry too much!" Akbar stated to me but he had that smug expression which worried me a bit because it was never any good when these boys' were up to something in their devious little minds.

"Well think about it this way: You do something stupid in there and the entire album of your baby pictures will be in front of Ameenah's eyes. In fact, I think Mom still has a few of your baby teeth, why not show them to her too? I'm sure she'll love them," This time Asif had caught on and was now in hysterics in the backseat. So was I.

"Wallah Ali, that's not funny, don't you even dare or I'll..." Akbar shrieked as he stammered to find something to threaten me with. I rolled my eyes knowing full on he'd never get anything against me; I didn't have someone who they could show embarrassing pictures to.

"You'll what bro? Hide her Nutella and Ben & Jerry?" Asif asked inbetween laughing.

Suddenly Akbar's face turned into a smug grin and I knew he had already thought about taking on Asif's suggestion. "Hell yeah! That's exactly what I'll do. You better watch out Ali." His grin somehow turned into a smirk as he finished his warning to me but that didn't faze me. 

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