Chapter Thirteen

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Being pregnant and wanting to pee numerous times a day was really difficult, especially if you had an appointment to go to. Yesterday was another huge Arab gathering where mama cooked and people came to see me and tell me how happy they were I was out of the coma and Mashallah very healthy. 

Today though was the day to have my ultra sound and find out the sex of the baby. Isa patiently waited for me to finish in the bathroom for what was already the fourth time in ten minutes. 

Being pregnant definitely wasn't easy but I still loved every moment of experiencing my little baby growing inside of me. Both of us actually were really excited to find out if it was a boy or girl and neither did we mind which one because we would still love it equally. 

Washing my hands in the sink and doing a final check to see if my hijab was okay, I opened the door to the bathroom and got out. Isa was already waiting downstairs so slowly I made my way down and smiled at him. 

"Done. I hope." I hoped this was the last time I needed to pee or else I would be frustrated out of my mind. 

"Finally. Lets go." I held onto his hand and he closed the door behind us. We were taking the car since its way too cold to be walking to the hospital in this weather. 

"I'm kind of nervous." I admitted out loud more to myself than Isa but obviously with him being there he heard me. 

"Don't be, whatever its going to be its still gonna be our little baby." I found myself relaxing more with the comfort of his words and realised just how much he knew what to say to make things better for me Alhamdulilah. The day was a cold yet sunny day which was still beautiful to me. 

Looking out the window I could see kids playing outside just enjoying their weekends and it made me smile how innocent they looked and were. "Nearly there." Isa informed me. 

It was a quick ride to the hospital and I was more than glad that we were already there. It wasn't a sort of situation where I just wanted to get this done and out of the way, but more of excitement of wanting to see the little child growing inside my stomach. It was just something I guess that made me more excited to becoming a mother. 

The parking lot wasn't exactly full when we reached there and when I got out it felt like I could breathe again. Recently I had started to hate taking the car because it felt as if I was suffocating in there but since the weather is getting bad I don't want to risk it. 

"Come on then fatty." Isa joked with me and took my hand in his. He started calling me fatty yesterday when I got home because of how big my stomach had gotten since the last time I saw it. 

"Just because you'll never be able to pull it off." I stuck my tongue out at him and he began laughing at me. Some people inside began staring at the laughing husband beside me while others smiled at us. 

"Isa this time let others that were here before us go first okay?" I said to him. It was wrong that last time we came we had gotten to go in before anyone else just because 'he was known'. 

"Don't worry, we will. Now sit down and I'll get the forms signed." I found it really strange that every time we came to the hospital we had to fill out a form and such but it had to be done. 

As I sat there on a red plastic chair, I began looking around at the posters. Most of them were about bacteria and to get the flu jab because winter was just around the corner. It was then the realisation hit me that I had completely missed Autumn. Well most of it anyway since it wasn't completely over. But I remember that every year in early Autumn me and the boys always used to play on the fallen leaves and make a big pile only to be thrown on top of it. None of that happened this year I suppose. 

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