Chapter Fifteen

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The silence was becoming over bearing with every second that passed and the clock ticking away wasn't much of a help either. Either I wanted the silence to be broken or I wanted it to resume.

"I give up! You win!" I said in surrender as I put both my hands up in surrender to show that I couldn't take much more of this game.

Isa and I were seeing who would be first to break the silence and it seems that obviously I was the first one to speak. Staying silent for long was something I couldn't do unless there was nothing to say, so either it would be an awkward silence or a comfortable one.

He bagan laughing so hard that his face went red and was now gasping for breath. I didn't bother helping him though, he laughed he know faces the consequences of laughing at me.

My hands were crossed over my chest and my face was turned the other way so that he didn't see me smiling widely at him. It was a little funny I must admit even though I didn't want him to know that.

"You could have got me some water." He moaned at me as he clutched his hurting stomach on the bed. It was about six in the morning and we had just finished praying Fajr when we realised we couldn't get to sleep. Isa the genius suggested we play a game to pass the time. That obviously didn't end too well.

Shaking my head I got off the bed and reached for the Quran on the above shelf in our room. It had been a while since I had read the Quran and that didn't sit down too well for me because there wasn't an excuse not to read the Quran more often now.

"Please, no one told you to laugh." I replied teasingly as I sat down on the bed and opened the Quran to where I had left off a while ago and began reciting the beautiful verses. 

As time went by, I felt Isa's head on my shoulder just resting there and listening to me recite the words. Then an idea popped into my head; Isa should recite the Quran. Apart from the time he had asked for my hand in marriage, I haven't heard him recite much of the Quran itself.

"Hey Isa, do you want to read something?" I asked him slowly because I wasn't sure of what his reaction would be when I asked him.

"Not really. Another time maybe." Was his answer and I felt disappointed to hear his answer but I didn't make a big deal out of it. He wasn't the best at following the Sunnah and really no one is, but one day Insha'Allah he will.

Shrugging off his answer I stood up from the bed and placed the Quran back onto its shelf while also taking my hijab off and placing it inside our wardrobe. I still had my abaya on too, so I took that off and placed it at the back of the door.

"Isa, do you know what's happening next week?" I asked wanting to get away from the subject that had left an awkward silence between us.

It was actually my birthday next week and it felt weird that I was growing older and that I was going to be spending it with Isa. Well it depends if he has work or not. I've never asked him why he's wanted to work for the family company because he always seems to be in a bad mood every time he has to go in.

"No?" His answer came out more of a quesion which made me roll my eyes. I didn't expect him to know when my birthday is because technically I didn't quite know when his was.

"Hmm. Well I'm actually going to be a year older next week, so..." I trailed off with my eyebrow in the air hoping he would catch to what I was saying. Unfortunately mornings wasn't his brightest times of the day as he continued to look at me with a confused face.

"It's my birthday next week." I said simply and again rolled my eyes at how his brain couldn't catch up on the most simplest things sometimes.

His mouth made an 'O' shape like a fish as I snuggles back into the warm covers of our bed. I stiffled my laugh after watching him not move a muscle for about 13 seconds before snapping my fingers in front of his face. Not the brightest move from me either since I couldn't snap my fingers.

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