Chapter Nine

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You know that when you've hit the snooze button three times already on your phone that it's time to get up from bed and stop being so lazy about going to school on Monday.

My eyes unwillingly peeled open and tried to adjust to the brightness of the room since the curtains were pulled back and letting the sunshine to flood inside the room. Stretching while I was still in bed I realised that it was empty apart from me. Instead of waiting in bed for a few minutes like I usually do before school, I decided to sit up and look around the room if Isa was there. He wasn't. 

I didn't even have time to go look for him right now since I already wasted an extra fifteen minutes in bed this morning by not wanting to get up. Hastily I pulled the covers off and let my feet touch the cold floor boards as I got out of bed. It was a bright sunny day today which meant that I could walk it to school as the house was just in the neighbourhood of the school. 

Today also felt different in the sense that I now was going to high school as a married woman and to be honest I have no idea what that would be like. Because our town is also small, a lot of people knew when such events like a wedding or birthday was happening so I wouldn't be surprised if people at school knew. 

I knew I was just wasting time by thinking about this right now so taking out my clothes for the day I set it out on the bed and went to have my shower. About fifteen minutes later I was done and ready to go downstairs to have some breakfast before leaving.

As I reached to the kitchen door I could hear some sizzling so when I opened the door I was very surprised to see that Isa was actually standing by the stove turning something around in the frying pan. That wasn't the only thing that surprised me though; he was currently standing there shirtless with his back to me and by gut reaction I gulped. Still standing still by the door I figured I might as well get his attention or he probably wouldn't ever realise I was standing here, or that he needed to get a shirt on him. Right now.

"Morning." I said out to him and swiftly he turned around to see me standing by the door. 

"Morning. I figured I'd make you breakfast. Hope you like pancakes." He smiled and continued to take the perfect round shaped pancake out from the pan and in to the plate in his out stretched hands. I admit that was pretty nice of him to make breakfast for me and I really did love eating pancakes too. 

"Thanks. By the way can you do me a favour?" I had already began walking to get out two plates since I couldn't eat all those pancakes that hes already stacked on the plates; no matter how much I love food. 

"Sure, what do you need?" I set the plates out on the dining table and Isa was already there too so I pointed to his bare chest hoping he would understand to go put a shirt on or anything to cover his chest. He raised his eyebrows at me but his face was amused.

"Too soon?" He asked and I nodded while watching him shake his head and walk out the kitchen. It wasn't that the whole idea of him being shirtless that got me worried because when you've lived with a bunch of boys your whole life you'll occasionally walk into their room while they were still shirtless. It was the idea of who the person was that was shirtless. 

I may have seen his abs while his shirt was off but I didn't want to see them again until I was ready to. Grabbing a plate I sat down and began piling a few pancakes on my plate and began eating. It was until I was on my third pancake that Isa had come down but now in a pair of jeans, sweatshirt and vans. Was he going out somewhere? 

He smiled at me and took his seat next to me as he began eating the pancakes, however I on the other hand was still staring at him like he grew another head. "Going somewhere?" I finally asked and stopped staring.

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