Chapter Eighteen

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For a minute he sat there looking at me exprionless, but after a minute or so he sighed and ran his hand through his shaggy brown hair, making it messy. The plate full of food he was holding was now placed on the table, yet he didn't move to do the same with mine.

"And there's me thinking that you forgot about it." He said but I don't think I was supposed to hear, even though I did.

I didn't reply to him, seeing this might be something hard for him to tell me. Laying back on the couch though, the seconds ticked on and I still waited for him to say anything, something at least.

"Aliza, I actually did come here for an important business meeting but then it turned out to be something more," His eyes met mine and he carried on talking, "Alex had come looking for me."

The small gasp that left my mouth couldn't be help because I actually was shocked. Having Alex here was no help at all and I think Isa's already figured that out now because his face was now scrunched up in disgust when mentioning his name.

"What are we going to do?" I asked slipping my hand with his comforting him. There was a look that crossed his face when I said 'we' but it vanished just as quick as it came; like he was surprised I wanted to be involved.

"One thing's for sure: you're not getting in this mess!" He said with authority and was now looking into my eyes with power that I wanted to fight off.

"And why not? You may have gotten in this problem yourself, but what good of a wife would I be if I don't stick with you till it's over?! Don't think just because I'm in this state that I can't help you!" My breathing was getting ragged by the time I had finished my little ranting.

The noodles that I was eating didn't look so appetising to me anymore, so placing the plate on the table I got up and went inside the bedroom. I closed the door behind me and my back stayed leaning on the door.

This was getting ridiculous that I had no say if I wanted to help my own husband in finding peace. True there wasn't much that I could be, being pregnant and all but that doesn't mean I was totally useless! Saying that I was just seemed a little harsh to me.

While my back was still leaning on the door, I could hear his footsteps approaching the room that I was in. It stopped just outside and the feel of his head leaning on the door vibrated on my back. If he wanted to come in, then it was upto him; the door wasn't exactly locked for him to stay out there.

"Ali I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He said out and I could tell that he was sorry but I also fet embarassed about over-reacting like that.

My back came off the door and breathing out I rested my hand on the doorknob, deciding whether or not I should just open the door and hug the life out of this boy. I agreed with that thought in a mere second twisted the knob, opening the door to see Isa fall back a little.

Quickly grabbing hold of his hand, I brought him closer to me and gave him a gentle hug as best as I could with a massive bump in between us. His arms found it's way to my waist to hug me back but again it wasn't very possible. Some loose strands of hair from my ponytail found its way to cover my eyes and made me break the hug; even if I didn't want to.

"Don't be sorry, it's my fault for over-reacting. I'll let you do what you need to and I promise to not get involved with anything." Just to show how serious I was, I lifted my pinky finger just in front of his face so he can intertwine his finger with mine.

He looked at me as if mentally saying 'are you kidding me?' But I simply shrugged and kept my finger raised. Finally he gave up into thinking I was mad and joined both our fingers together to hold our promise.

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