Chapter Eight

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Flood works. Those are the only two words I can think of to describe this situation happening right now; and there's no way of me stopping it.

"Ali promise we'll still meet up to go shopping even though you don't like it!" Farah was literally on the floor begging to me now and it wasn't helping that I still had a wedding dress to put on or that I would be married off in a little more than an hour to Isa himself. 

"Wallahi we will Farah, now please, I really need your help in getting ready." My voice sounded as if I was pleading, which in reality it actually was. Ma was silently laughing in the corner because she knew how stressed I was at the moment yet she still found it funny as I was more of the cooler person in the family.

Not my fault a wedding can stress you out, especially since its my wedding. Without even realising how fast the week had gone, the day to the wedding was finally here and in a way I was both happy yet sad.

 I felt happy that I was going to be spending my life with somebody by my side and also gaining a lovely new family who I hope I would be seeing all of today at the hall. Sad because I would be leaving my own family, my house whose comfort I've taken for granted all these years which now I have to leave.

Reassured though, I am going to be visiting back here a lot since there's no way I would imagine ever leaving my family and heap load of brothers by themselves without the company of me; they'd miss me too much. 

"Habibty you look gorgeous Mash Allah." Ma beamed at me through her eyes which I could tell were going to be filled with tears soon. I still hadn't even put my dress on and only my face was done lightly with makeup, much to my protest. Hugging Ma felt like the only thing I was capable to do right now because I couldn't even turn around to look at myself in the mirror.

"Jazakallah khair Ma, I love you." I said to her and I knew she knee it but it doesn't hurt saying it again after all that she has done for me and my whole family. 

"Aww look at this mother and daughter bonding session. I wish I was getting married." Just like that Farah got us both laughing and the tears that were threatening to spill out somehow managed to stay inside my eyes. I inhaled a deep breath while turning to face Farah and the long mirror that was beside her. 

If I was this nervous to looking at my reflection when all that was done was my make up, I wonder how I would be like when it comes to me looking at my reflection when I'm fully ready in my white dress. Finally though I managed to see my reflection and I smiled widely at how beautiful yet simple I looked considering they took over half an hour just to get all these cosmetics onto my face. Lucky I wasn't planning on using them again anytime soon. 

"Mashallah." I whispered more to myself than anyone else in the room around me. Looking at the time though and realising I only had about forty five minutes to get in my dress and put my hijab on, I rushed everyone out into the hallway while locking the door behind them.

Time to get the dress down now. The dress was hanging inside my wardrobe which was now fully open so that I could still see it. I took it out carefully, making sure not to damage anything on the dress or else Ma would have an absolute fit. The puffiness from the dress which was just below the waist line seemed to be catching my attention more though but I couldn't just stand around gaping at the dress when I have much more difficult task to do: get the dress on.

I slipped out of my clothes and unzipped the dress that was now lying flat on my bed and gently put the dress on. It had been a long time since I had worn a dress and it was due to the fact that they weren't really my thing, so I always stuck to maxi skirts or jeans with long tops. 

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