Chapter Fourteen

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"Mama stop fussing over me, I can eat by myself!" I didn't like arguing with my mom but she was just being too damn persistant on feeding me. I may be six months pregnant with a huge tummy and uncontrollable emotions but I'm sure I was cababple of eating rice by myself.

"I'm sorry habibti." She said and sat back down on her chair at the dining table while everyone else sniggered at our little argument.

Me and Isa had invited both of our families over for dinner and so far it was going pretty good apart from the fact that the whole house is literally cramped up, even though there were only two families here.

The letter incident had been forgotten but nevertheless it was still in my head; not necessarily at the back of my head that I would occasionally remember. But somehow the thought of it comes to me everyday though I would never dare to ask about it.

"Someone's getting moodier everyday huh?" This time it was my youngest brother-in-law who spoke; Abdul. He too like Isa studies abroad because apparently they're wanted to have the best education possible.

"Am not!" I argued defensively and again everyone found this as an apportunity to laugh at me. Even Isa found this funny while I sulked and refused to look at him even though he was sitting just beside me.

His hand found it's way to mine from under the table and he rested it on mine. I looked at him to see he was smiling warmly at me and without thinking I rested my head on his shoulder which again everyone took the liberty of making a sound; this time it was 'aww'.

Dinner seemed to have gone by in a blur but again we found ourselves in an argument as my sister-in-law, Shaima, wouldn't let me do the dishes. We had been having this discussion to let me do the dished for quite some time now but alas, she was as stubborn as ever.

"Oh just sit down Ali!" Asif sighed out loud and dragged me back down to the couch where the boys were all seated. They didn't even have to do any work because they were boys; lucky them.

"Hey, it's my house, I have a right to do the chores if I want." I could be stubborn too hence me crossing my arms and giving Asif a death glare. It didn't last long though because with him being the playful one, he decided to pull faces at me. I obviously had to laugh.

Whacking his arm with a cushion from beside me he began to moan about how strong I've become these last few months. I didn't blame him because to be honest pregnancy in a way does toughen you up to an extent.

It was now getting late and even though I would have wanted them to stay a bit longer, they really did have to go home. They did promise to visit soon which was fine by me and Isa so it was no big deal.

"Ma'Asalama!" I shouted and waved them goodbye from the door with Isa by my side. We watched them get into their cars and drive away back to their homes.

I began shivering in the cold Winter air and quickly closed the door behind me when everyone was gone. Even with a thick sweater that was three sizes too big for me and a shirt underneath, I still felt the coldness.

"Now can I wash the dishes?" I asked him because even though Shaima washed most of them, there were still a few dirty mugs from the teas and coffee's we had drank just before they left.

Actually when I say 'we' I don't mean myself as I'm off coffee until my pregnancy period is over. Just the smell of it made me hazy and that was never a good thing so right now coffee was an absolute 'no' for me. I was the only one who didn't have to drink it yet Isa also went off coffee for my sake which still makes me happy to this day.

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