Chapter Twenty

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It had been five minutes since that look of fear had crossed Isa's eyes and walked out of the door. There was nothing I could do other than sit there and be strong for not just myself but him too; so I kept the tears in but silently prayed to Allah to keep him safe. 

Now I was huddled up in a ball on the couch thinking of endless scenarios that could happen tonight and none of them was something I liked. Isa wasn't going to be going through this alone though and I had already decided that, but I had to wait at least another twenty minutes before I could set out to find this old warehouse where everything would be happening tonight.

All in all I was sure there was going to be blood shed tonight, no matter whose it was, someone would be injured tonight. There could be the possibility where that wouldn't happen, but who am I kidding? The intense ticking of the clock brought me out of my thoughts and got me pacing back and forth between the two couches laid out. 

Something big was going to happen and Isa seriously expected me to stay here and wait for his arrival back home? That thought only angered me though as I stopped walking and sat back down with my legs crossed Indian style. Ten minutes had now successfully passed by but the other ten was still taking long to go by.

'And endure patiently, your patience is not but from Allah. (16:127)'. The verse rang through my head and surely enough the lack of patience that I had was now beginning to grow. Alas, I wish the nervousness would fade too but it also grew.

I knew though that it wasn't out of pity that I was feeling like this because for me to feel like this for anyone would mean that I truly loved them. Thinking back to our times together, I wish that I could have told Isa what he really meant to me. Not just saying 'I love you' but even more, like how I'm blessed to be married to such a man. 

These opportunities in life don't just come and go and they're never perfect either. I love a boy with a dark past and that past could either be completely forgotten about from this night forward or I could be losing the boy that I love. Those thoughts certainly didn't help me any further but as soon as I glanced towards the clock I could see that the minutes had passed by and it was safe for me to get out of this hotel room and go look for this warehouse they were at. 

Not bothering to mess about with finding my clothes, I just slipped on a hijab and my coat with shoes. I might be witnessing murder tonight; I doubt a Gucci dress would do the scene justice. 

The hotel was more or less silent when I got out the room but there was still people walking about when I got down to the lobby. Truthfully not many people glanced my way, which I was glad for but I needed to start asking directions sooner or later before I get myself lost in this city. 

"Aliza what are you doing out here?" I spun around to be met with Mohammed and mentally groaned. Of course Isa would have someone watching over me, why didn't I think of it before?

I took a deep breath and began, "Look Mohammed I really need to get to Isa okay? I know you're going to tell me to back inside or whatever but this is important! Imagine if you're wife was in this situation, I doubt you would just leave her there and know whether or not she would be coming back!" By now some tears had leaked out both because I needed Isa here with me and also to try and convince Mohammed to let me go. 

"I see your point. If he asks, say you knocked me out. I know you're capable of it anyway." He smiled slyly before leading to the way to what I presumed was the warehouse. 

"By the way, thanks for doing this. I owe you one." He simply laughed me off and continued keeping his pace, which I found hard to keep up with, and carried on walking. The night had a bad atmosphere surrounding it as if it knows something big, or rather bad, was going to be happening tonight. Our walk was silent but very long. 

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