Chapter Twenty Two

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The sound of Shoaib's cry echoed throughout the house and more importantly, over to our room. Complaining about getting up to attend to him seemed pointless since I was barely sleeping in the first place, but Isa was. Without making any noise to wake the boy beside me, I got up and walked out the room to see our baby squirming around in his crib wailing his head off. 

Sighing and pulling my head back I bent over and got Shoaib in my hands as an attempt to quiet the baby down. It seemed to have work since the sound of his cries were no longer heard but I decided to keep him in my arms just a little longer in case he woke up again. By the time I figured it was okay to put him down again ten minutes had passed yet I had no intention of going to sleep; I just wasn't sleepy. 

Quietly I opened the door and got out making sure not to make a sound and continued my way downstairs instead of our room. Once downstairs I saw my phone sprawled around on the couch next to some stuffed animals in all shapes and sizes with annoying songs playing on them. I guess I was too tired to remember about where I had put it last but nonetheless I took the phone in my hands and saw that I had about twenty missed calls from Farah herself. 

Looking at the time and debating whether or not I should call at this time made me wonder what it was she wanted to talk about and by the looks of it, it must be really important. Without thinking about it I pressed the call button and waited until she picked the phone up. 

By the fourth ring I was about to give up when a scream erupted from the other side of the line, "ALIZA! I've been trying to call you all night and this is when you decide to pick up?! This is life changing news woman and I need my best friends thought about this!" The volume of her voice hurt my ear but I still tried to pick out what she was shouting at me since this is 'life changing news' after all. 

"Far calm down okay! Its four in the morning and you're making my ears hurt, so tell me what's up." I settled down on the couch after putting all the toys away into a corner where I'm sure they would be taken out again when the boys would wake up. 

"Ali you knew Noah was going to ask for my hand didn't you?" I didn't answer her question and she carried on, "well I'm so confused about it. Like do I say yes or no? Please help me." Her voice was pleading out to me and I had to help my best friends in her time of need after all that she's done for me. 

"Fars the best advice I could possibly give you is to just do what you think is right. I know you're confused and everything but I also know that deep down you've always had a thing for him." I had to add the last bit in there and by now I could tell she was rolling her eyes at me. When it came to giving advice I surely wasn't the best at it but I tried to think of something that would be useful. Knowing Farah though she probably didn't even need help about this and is already planning the colour scheme of her wedding. 

I heard her grunt on the line before speaking up, "Whatever you choose Fars just make sure I'm invited okay?" I heard her laugh on the other line and call me a donkey before saying Salaam and hanging up. 

Talking to my best friend for a while seemed to remind me of old times when we used to tell each other our problems all the time, especially in school. There was more that I could have said but even though I wasn't tired, my brain just doesn't want to function properly. 

Leaning back on the couch I began thinking how these past few days have been for the whole household: I got out the hospital five days ago along with Shoaib and Isa who insisted on staying with us and ever since we've had family come over with presents, money, cards and a whole lot of Dua's for our new family. Both families were impressed with the name we had chosen for our baby and I couldn't have been happier that we have a little one amongst us now. 

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