Chapter 29

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I put my hands underneath the hot water, letting it burn my skin. Jacob was taking a swing at the demon. I was to rest, or I would not be getting back in the ring. I sighed and splashed some of the water over my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. The bags under my eyes were starting to get worse, as well as my complexion. I was going to run myself right into the ground looking for Henry and Drew, but I couldn't care less. I'd made countless mistakes over the years that had gotten them both into some things that were pretty gnarly. I owed both of them everything. They looked out for me and stood by me throughout every screw up. If I didn't find them, alive, I'd have nothing left. I wouldn't survive without them. Even Castiel couldn't bring me back from that. I'd have to stay alive for Gabe. We were blood and I could never abandon him, but I couldn't shake the thought that he was better off without me.
Phoenix had been in my head since the first time she'd brought it up. The guilt had clawed it's way back to the surface and settled in the place it had stayed for years before I'd buried it. Every time I closed my eyes, we were fourteen again. It was the Egyptian God of Truth, and Henry was on trial. The God served as judge, jury, and executioner. He prayed on those who felt guilty, and us O'Harrin kids had a lot of that. We ended up there because I'd started a pissing match in the middle of the motel parking lot. I'd said horrible things about Henry, all because he didn't trust my judgement. I was still messed up from hell, five years later and the hallucinations had only gotten slightly better. That thing had overheard us, and from there it was no going back.

Flash Back

The God had set up shop in an old paper mill. He sat upon a throne of gold which was wildly out of place. Henry and I sat at a table facing him. The God's bald head gleamed under the overhead lights, it looked like a giant peach. Henry held my hand under the table, his leg bouncing them up and down.
"Amiel, shall we start?" The God leaned against his scepter and grinned down at us. "So young to be filled with such, guilt, and regret." He shook his head and sighed. "First witness," He pointed the scepter at me and I understood why he had let me stay in the room. I gulped and looked at Henry. His eyes were filled with worry but he nodded and let go of my hand. I scooted my chair back and made my way towards the one next to the God's throne. I sat down, gripping the arms of the chair.
"Is it true that you sold your sister's soul?" The God asked Henry and his jaw set. His brown eyes swirled with regret and he nodded once. "What an awful thing to do." The God scolded Henry and turned towards me. "Now Aurora, why don't you tell me about your time in hell?" I'd never told anyone about it. I kept those thoughts locked away in the back of my mind. I looked up at the God and shook my head. "A disobedient child. Maybe you belong in hell." I turned away from him and looked at Henry for permission to throttle the God. He shook his head a fraction and I deflated in my chair.
"It was hell." I said and shrugged. "It sucked." The God crossed his muscular arms over his chest. "Elaborate child." He commanded and suddenly I wanted nothing more than to tell him every last detail of hell. He was compelling me, I had no choice.
"It was terrible. Every day I have nightmares from the countless times they cut into me. My body still aches from being sewn up so many times. They were just as good at rebuilding people as they were at ripping them apart. They had a special place for kids. There weren't a lot. Just the few that had sold their souls stupidly or had done horrible things when they were alive. They were trying to turn us into demons. Torture a soul enough and even the purest of people get tainted. I was close,so close to giving in to them. I wanted to die for good, not wake up to be tortured all over again. The pain, the pain was worse than the most horrible thing you can imagine. They tempted you with all sorts of things, it was better they said. Why spend eternity suffering when you could spend it making other people suffer? To me it was the same thing. There was no winning for me." I finished quietly, refusing to look at Henry. I'd just handed him to the God on a silver platter. I didn't talk about hell because Henry had put me there, and he felt bad enough for doing it without the added details.
"And what do you sometimes wish, Aurora?" I shook my head, trying to keep the words in my mouth. I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep them in but they tumbled out between my fingers. "Sometimes I wish we'd just left Gabe dead. We always say the dead should stay dead. But even more often, I wish it was Henry instead of me."
I hung my head in shame and heard Henry's unsteady exhale. "I don't even think we need to call our other witnesses. What a compelling testimony by the little girl." The God said and I felt his power recede from me.
"I find you, Amiel Henry O'Harrin, guilty in your heart." The sound of dogs barking filled my ears and my eyes snapped up. I couldn't see them but Henry's eyes were wide as he climbed onto the table. He jumped back, stumbling and then falling off. I got up from my chair only to be slammed back into it. "Henry!" I screamed, and then I was choking. I held my neck, trying to breathe and looked up at the God. "Your trail will come little girl, let us not forget what you did to Gabriel."
Henry screamed, and I looked back at him. There were bloody slashed on his arms and stomach. His eyes were squeezed shut and his back arched. Suddenly the door to the room burst open. My father was there, Jacob behind him. My dad had a bow and arrow in his hands. He drew back and shoot an odd looking arrow as soon as the doors opened. And then I could breath. I looked toward the God but his body was decaying on his throne. I got up quickly and ran towards my brother, Jacob and dad already there. Henry was unconscious as dad lifted him from the pool of blood. His blue eyes gave me a once over and then settled on mine. "You ok little girl?" He asked, holding Henry to his chest gingerly. I nodded once, not being able to find words. "Hurry up Dexter before he bleeds out!" Jacob shouted and my father sprinted towards the door.
"This ain't on you." Jacob kneeled before me but all I could do was look at him in horror. It was on me. I'd said those things that had sealed Henry's fate. If he died, it was on me.
Listen to "Life Support" by Sam Smith to set the mood for this chapter.

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