Chapter 6- To Love a Boy.

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((This is a shorter chapter- a bit of a filler. But there are BIG things coming!!))

Siobhan sat in her car outside of Roger's house, a dread building in her chest so deep she was sure the weight of it may crush her lungs. Roger's car wasn't in the driveway, and if she were honest- she was thankful for it. The sooner she could gather her things and leave the better. There were no explanations to be given, no fights to try and avoid- just peace in its rawest form on the other end of town in Vivian's flat.

Vivian's flat... Just the thought of that made Siobhan's heart skip. She had been raised on the idea that money bought happiness, that if there wasn't funds behind the name- the love wasn't worth the time. Roger was the secret to that success, his money was reason enough to stay. But as she considered the idea of the mundane, the peace in the simplicity- life simply there to exist between herself, Viv and Jamie... the butterflies erupted inside her chest. If she was going to do it though, she needed to move quickly before Roger inevitably came busting into the house demanding satisfaction.

She found herself fluttering about the house, gathering miniscule things she likely didn't need, things that at the end of the day made no difference next to the feelings she had for Vivian. Truthfully all she needed was the clothes on her back and the idea of a future spent with Vi-

"Siobhan!" A wave of nausea hit Siobhan in her stomach as she nearly doubled back into the wall. He was here. The emotion in his voice- crafted by his own hand or not- was different. He sounded... weak? No, there was no way that was what Siobhan was hearing. She listened for a moment, hopeful to hear another word- anything to solidify that she wasn't hearing- "Siobh-" His word was followed by a loud crash, the reverb of it caused Siobhan to jump. There was no reason for her to go running towards him, she should have taken the chance while he was in whatever weakened state he seemed to be in to run away from him. Her heart was screaming at her brain to stop moving her feet down the stairs, to stop her hands from sliding down the banister but there was no amount of screaming that would halt the movements leading to the bottom of the staircase- to the scene Siobhan landed herself in.

Roger was crumpled just off the step down by the front door. He had landed on his side, one hand clutching the arm Siobhan had assumed he had landed on. His face was bruised, his shirt was no longer tucked into his trousers, and the side of it was bloodied. Roger's hair was messy, like someone had grabbed his hair to keep his face up. Every fiber of her being wanted her to run, but yet instead she felt pity. Roger had beaten her so many times, you would think she would find it as poetic irony that he now lay on the floor writhing in pain, but instead- she felt an overwhelming sense of worry. He was in pain, and she knew that pain well.

"Roger!" Siobhan cried out, propelling herself off the banister and onto the floor next to him. She gingerly ran her fingers over every battered place on his body before crawling over and gently lifting his head into her lap. "What- what happened to you!?" Siobhan's voice cracked- was she crying? Why was she crying? It was Roger, for God's sake- he deserved whatever it was that had happened to him. After everything that he had put her through, even a few knocks to the head would be more than enough for Siobhan.

"Reece-" Roger winced in pain as he adjusted onto his back. "I saw Reece on the street. He was beyond pissed, and he just laid into me. Over and over and over." Siobhan watched Roger's face contort as he attempted to craft emotions. She was confused, she had just seen Reece before she had... run off with Vivian. There was no way that he had gotten so drunk so quickly- and why was Roger on the street? "I tried to get away but I couldn't. He's a wicked boy, Siobhan. That is not the son I raised!" Roger shouted wimpily.

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