Cloud Guardian (Pt. 1)

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(Readers POV)

"So, (y/n), are you excited about your transfer?" Chloe asks as she takes a peek at my face.

Chloe and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We've always been together, thick and thin. We're even in the mafia together! Right now, she's helping me pack a few things. Oh, and the transfer she's talking about, I was just told that I'm the new cloud guardian for Varia.


"OK. That concludes this meeting." Alex, my boss, says standing up from the large mahogany table and heading toward the huge window. Everybody picks up their notes and start to walk out and continue with their assignments. I wait a few moments to avoid traffic before I begin to do the same, instead, I'll probably just head back to my room and listen to music or take a nap.

"Oh, and (y/n), can I speak with you for a moment?" The boss asks, more like says, as he turns his gaze from the window to me.
"Sure. I already completed all my assignments for the day." By then, everyone else has already left leaving me alone with my boss. He takes a seat at the large table and nods toward the chair across from him, letting me know that I can sit.

"Jezz. Always an overachiever huh now (y/n). Anyway, I have a big job for you to do." He says with a grin. We got along pretty well so we're more like friends.

"Really? I need something fun to do. Lately, I've been running out of pranks to pull on people and nobody wants to fight me other than Michael. It's OK but he's not all that strong and I don't wanna feel like I'm bullying the guy." I sit back in one of the office chairs and kick me feet up on the table with my hands behind my head. He laughed at my response.

Me, I'm always a comfortable person and I'm fun and pretty easy to get along with. That is, unless you hurt my friends or seriously get under my skin. Only a few people have seen how I get when I'm truly angry, and I like it that way. I love sparring, especially with strong opponents, that way I don't have to hold back. I also have a habit of being super sarcastic and playing pranks. Otherwise, I'm usually by myself listening to music, training, or taking a nap, or hanging out with Chloe.

"Well don't worry, where you're going, you'll have plenty of strong people to fight."

"Wait, what do you mean by that." Now I'm curious so I kicked my feet off the table and sat up. As I raised my eyebrows, his gaze softened and he gave me a big smile.

"You were chosen as the new cloud guardian for Varia. I have a flight set up for your departure in 2 hours. Congratulations!" He says with a close eyed smile.
"…Wait. WHAT?!?!"

(End Of Flashback)

"Yeah. Come on. I don't want to end up being late for the flight." I say throwing my favorite black duffle bag over my shoulder and walking out of the room.

"What? Hey, wait! Is that all you're taking?! One bag, seriously!?!?"

"Yeah. One, its easier; Two, most of my missions require a lot of moving; and three, I can always just buy more stuff. I have more than enough money to do so." I replied still walking through the hallway.

"Ugh! Fine! But when I visit you, you had better had gone shopping!"

"Yes mother!" I said sarcastically with a grin.

When she caught up with me, she slapped me on the back on the head, saying 'baka', and I pretended to be hurt. In the end, we both started laughing.

I'm not a girly-girl and will not wear a dress unless absolutely necessary and pink is out of the question. My usual outfit consists of black jeans, a (f/c) tank top, black combat boots that go up to a few inches below my knee, a black bikers jacket that I leave unzipped, and my favorite (f/c) ear buds. The only piece of 'jewelry' that I willingly wear are two dog tags. My long (h/c) hair is hanging down reaching to with bangs covering most of the right side of my face. ( )

When we got to the car, we gave each other hugs and the chauffeur drove off. I put in my ear buds and started listening to 'Through it all' by Spoken. We quickly arrived at the airport and I went on the jet. Apparently, Alex must have wanted to make amends for him telling me on such short notice because the staff had my favorite drinks and food set up along with a gift from him and Chloe. I picked up the shiny wrapped box and opened it.

Inside was the brand new laptop that I've been wanting to buy. It was easy to use, wasn't too big or small, and was surprisingly durable despite its slim appearance. In the smaller shiny box was a new dog tag with a (f/c) background and black flames at the bottom. I took it out of the box and put it on.

'This can't turn out too bad. Just relax. If I get a rival or an enemy, it makes it easier to find someone to spar with.' I smile to myself and pop in my ear buds. As I gaze out the window and onto the land about 12,000 meters below (40,000 feet), I began to wonder how everything will turn out and find myself dozing off listening to 'Into The Nothing' by Breaking Benjamin.

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