Cloud Guardian (Pt. 2)

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(Readers POV)

After the jet landed, I thanked the pilots and the staff and went off to find a red sports car. I could tell who's that is any day, especially me being a bit of a car fanatic.

"Only you would pick me up like this Dino!" I say between laughs.

"Oh. Are you complaining?" Dino replies with a smirk. We've been friends shortly after I meet Chloe. All three of us used to hang out and cause a lot of havoc. Man, those times were fun.

"Nope!" I say, emphasizing the 'p'. "You've known me long enough to know that I don't complain about riding in a sports car rather than some lame limo. They're way too over rated, especially in the mafia."

"Can't disagree with you there. You ready Ms. (f/a)?" Dino says getting into the car.

"Definitely Mr. Dinosaur!" I reply jumping into the passengers seat. We both laugh and then I turn on the radio. They're playing my favorite song 'Never Back Down' by Nine Lashes. It's my favorite song because it can go with any mood and Chloe, Dino, and I used to play it all the time. I start singing to it and dancing to it while Dino drives and laughs. He soon starts getting into it as well and we continue on listening to the songs on the radio and talking about how we've been over the years.

(Time skip)

"We're here." Dino says as he turns the music down.
I look out the window to see a mansion with trees and bushes around the perimeter. It looks more castle-like than my other family's mansion. As we drove to closer to the mansion, I could see some large patches of land without and vegetation or construction.

'Looks like I found my new little training grounds. That'll be fun. I wonder who I'll spar with-' my thoughts were interrupted by Dino's laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" I glared at him.

"Huh? Me. Oh, nothing. It's just been awhile since I've seen you make that face." He managed to say between laughs.

"HEY! WHAT THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" I shout punching him lightly on the shoulder.

"Hey! I was just playing around. No need to try to kill me!" He says playfully.

"Yeah, don't worry. I can't kill one of my best friends... yet..." I mumble the last part and begin to laugh knowing he heard me.

Dino soon joins in until we get closer to the front of the mansion. He pulled the car up to the front door and turned to me with a serious face.

"Hey, don't be nervous. You'll fit right in. I can walk you in if you want."

"I'm not nervous, I'm curious and I'm OK. Thanks though. I'll call if I need anything. See you later alligator!" I throw my bag over my shoulders, give him a quick hug, and step out the car. Before I shut the door, I hear him say 'In awhile crocodile' and then he drives off.

'Well, here goes nothing.' I think as I knock on the door with my other hand in my pocket. A few moments later, the door opens to reveal a man who appears to be in his mid-thirties with a green bangs on the side of his face and a red orange Mohawk. He's wearing dark sunglasses and a black coat with white fur around the hood.

"Oh my, well aren't you a cutie!" He says while hugging me a bit too tight. "Oh, where are may manners, I'm Lussuria, the Sun guardian." He releases me and I can finally breath again.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm the new Cloud guardian. Nice to meet you." I greet him and bow. He doesn't seem bad so it doesn't bother me much. He quickly shakes his head saying that I don't have to be so formal. He then grabs my hand that isn't stuffed in my jacket pocket and drags me inside. Once he releases my hand, I see three people lounging in the room. One is tall with spiky black hair and a mustache and lightning sideburns. The other one is about the same height as me, being 5'7", with blonde wavey hair and long bangs hanging down that cover both of his eyes. He also has a... tiara?

'Hahahaha. And Chloe though that I was trying to hide my face!'
Anyway, the third guy has green hair and green eyes with purple markings under each of them and has a large hat shaped like a frog's head.

'Wait, what...? OK, so we have Mr. Mustache, Mr. Princess, and Mr. Froggy. Cool.'

"Tch. So she's the new Cloud guardian. I don't see why she's getting the boss' attention." Said Mr. Mustache. I tilted my head and thought that this'll be entertaining.

"Aww. I'm sorry. Is Mr. Mustache jelly?" I mocked him. He raised his eye brows which made me smirk. Right when he was about to rebuttal, the blonde one spoke up.

"Ushishishi. The prince thinks the princess is interesting." He says. Then Mr. Froggy decides to speak.

"I agree. Hi sempai! I'm Fran. This is Belphegor and Mr. Mustache is Levi."


"Yes, yes, we get it already! Your name is Mr. Mustache, don't worry, I got it." I cut him off. He has a tick mark and looks kinda pissed. I simply smirk and wave my hand up and down at him. It's fun to tease people, especially when they're this easy.

"VVOOOOIIIII!! GET YOUR *** DOWN HERE YOU STUPID BOSS!!!" Shouted a man with long, straight white hair with one small strand of white covering part of his right eye. As he was walking down the stairs...


A wine glass smashed right into the back of his head and he was left dripping wet. As he muttered curse words and phrases under his breath, another tall man appeared behind him. He had black hair with a part that does in his face, between his red eyes and a scar going across the side of his face.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TRASH!!!" He shouted. At that, I started laughing and holding my stomach.

"First, being hugged to death, then the jealous Mr. Mustache, and now the loud mouth getting hit with a wine bottle! This is just too funny!" I say during laughs. Levi scowls, if he wasn't already, Belphegor goes 'ushishishi', Fran stays expressionless, Lussuria giggles, the white haired man scowls and screams 'VOI', and the black haired one who's most likely the boss glares at me and emits a dark aura. Frankly, this is all too amusing for me to really care.

"And who are you scum?" He says in a deep voice.

'He must be agitated easily.' I thought as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Hey, I'm (y/n) (l/n), the new Cloud guardian." As soon as I said my name, he froze. He then continued glaring at me and evaluating me.

"You can't be. You look to childish to be. So, I'll ask one last time, you are you TRASH?!"

"Ya' don't believe me. Great, then I guess you'll just have to fight me." I smirked.

Only a few should know me as the 'Fire Demon', so why did he freeze, well whatever. I'm stiff from sitting still on that plane for awhile and I'm dying to fight someone. Besides, he looks pretty strong, maybe I can fight full strength for once.

"Fine, but don't cry when you loose, scum!"

"Don't worry, I won't be the one loosing Mr. Grumpy!" He grew a tick mark at the nickname i gave him. This seems like it'll be fun.

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