Sharks Can Apologize

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Author-chan: Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the little Xanxus x reader chapter, and don't worry, I plan on making more. Right now, it's time for a little Squalo x reader!

Squalo: WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THAT BAK- *gets his with a glass of wine*


Author-chan: Thank you Xanxus! In any case- *also gets hit with a glass of wine* WHAT WAS THAT FOR XANXUS?!?! *Reader-chan glares at Xanxus*

Xanxus: SHUT UP SCUM!!! *Squalo snickers and author-chan smirks*

Author-chan: Oh, I get it. Xanxus is jealous that Squalo gets to spend time with reader-chan.

Xanxus: I SAID SHUDDUP! *Author-chan and Xanxus start fighting*

Lussaria: *sighs* Author-chan does not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or any of its characters or Kougami feom Psycho Pass, although she owns this plot and kind of owns you. Please enjoy my dears!!! *blows reader-chan a kiss and winks before the mansion collapses in the background*


(Reader's POV)



"3, 2, 1..."


"RUN FOR IT!!!" Bel, Fran, and I dash out of Squalo's room and dash down the halls.


We all run into my room and lock the door behind us. One, my room was close to Xanxus' office; two, I set up various traps in my room if someone unwanted tries to come in; and three, Bel's and Fran's rooms are too far for a quick escape. We burst out laughing and joking about how he shot out of bed for once.

This all started because I decided to sleep in late a yesterday and that stupid shark woke me up. That would be okay, except for the fact that he screamed in my ear and had his sword right next to my stomach. Sitting up and punching him, I ended up getting cut pretty badly. IT HURT! I still have a bandage on it on it and I have to make sure not to move around too much or I'll open it again.

Luss knew I would try to get payback so he said that I could but only with the help of Bel and Fran. They usually help me and then we prank each other... or Bel and I start fighting. Most of the time both.

"Let's go watch some TV." I say turning it on and flipping the channels.

"Ushishishi. Later, the prince wants to see how the commoner slept." Bel replies with a huge grin.

"Bel-sempai, you know he's gonna try and-"


"VVOOOOOOIIIIII!!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU RUNTS!!!" Squalo cut down and kicked my door sending wood flying everywhere.

"AREN'T YOU STILL SLEEPY SHARK?!" I joke, a bit annoyed because I actually wanted to rest and watch TV.


"SHUDDUP!!" Squalo shouts running toward me with his sword ready.

I dodge and try to punch him, making sure to be careful because of my bandage. He blocks it with his sword and Bel throws knives at him. Squalo jumps back, barely missing the knives. Fran sets up an illusion of 'us' and we run out. The illusions of us are 'fighting' Squalo and are gonna keep him occupied for a bit.

"Good job Fran. Xanxus will investigate the racket in a bit so lets stay downstairs for a while. In any case, I'm a bit tired."

We head down stairs and eat breakfast. I don't eat as much as usual and Luss notices. Bel and Fran head off to watch TV and I tell them that I'll join in a little bit.

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