The Holidays With Xanxus!!!

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Xanxus: WHERE ARE YOU TRASH!?!? *storms around the Varia mansion and finds Katherine in her room*


Katherine-chan: *ignores Xanxus*

Xanxus: WHY YOU!!! BESTER!!! *Bester jumps on Katherine and starts puring*

Katherine-chan: Oh, hey Bester. Awww, you're sooo KAWAII!!! *starts petting Bester and playing with him*

Xanxus: DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME SCUM!!! *pulls out X-Guns*

Katherine-chan: Tch, don't get jealous of Bester just because he's cuter than you Xanxus~. *smirks*

Xanxus: YOU STUPID BRAT!!!! *starts shooting wildly*

♪ I do not own KHR or any of its characters. I do own the plot though so please enjoy~~! ♪

≈ Reader's POV ≈


"Hey, I'll get this robot... Yeah, it's by Gen 4 anyway... Dude, Who the heck killed the last zombie?!... Great, I'll kill the panther, you save Gen 2... How'd you go down?... Where are you?..."

'Shoot, save, aim, shoot, get staff crystal'

Yup, I'm playing Black Ops 2: Zombies. It's Christmas so I learned that the little brats that usually play can't get on today so I seized the moment!!! The map is no other than Excavation site; its my favorite one on the second Black Ops. I'm playing on Xbox with a couple of online friends {Sorry, I like Xbox more than PlayStation. I don't have anything against it, its just that I'm used to Xbox. XP And yes, I'm a gamer. Need to buy some more games actually...} and we aren't going to do the easter egg. We've all done it before and would prefer to just do our own thing for now besides, it takes too much time and effort. I have the Fire staff because its my favorite element, definitely OP (Over Powered) on the game, and Flames... Mafia... Yeah.

"NO, HOLD ON- DANGIT!!! I was trying to tell you the robots... Man! Good game, good game... Oh shut up, says the one that went down how many times. And you're making fun of my headshots!!!... Yeah, my 3 downs compared to your 12 on a 28 round game right?..."

"GET UP TRASH!!! AND OPEN THIS DOOR!!!" Xanxus booms from the hallway.

I turn my microphone off really quick and take a deep breath.

"NO!!! ITS LOCKED FOR A REASON BAKA!!!" I shout back.

I turn my microphone back on and we decide to play 1 or 2 multiplayer games, Gun Game! Some games, I'M A BEAST!!! Other games, I can't even shoot straight... It sucks!!! The map chosen was Raid and I take an immediate lead. My friend starts whining about it so we joke around a bit.

"Yeah, whatever dork!... HELP ME! No!! Why you little!!!... Ouch. I died ugly!... Oh my Gosh, YES!!! I love you soooo much!!!"

My friend shot me and I used one of the higher weapons to get him back. That gun is amazing and I love the sights. The way it shoots, the look, the sights, I can never hate this gun! If only I didn't forgot about my angry and easily jealous boyfriend outside my bedroom door.

≈ Xanxus POV ≈

"GET UP TRASH!!! AND OPEN THIS DOOR!!!" I shout outside of (y/n)'s door.

"NO!!! ITS LOCKED FOR A REASON BAKA!!!" She shouts back.

I then hear her talking to someone else and playing some game. Not only was she just talking, but she was giggling, joking, shouting, laughing; all with someone else.

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