Save Yourself

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Author-chan: Konichiwa Reader-chan!!!


Author-chan: What was that you loud mouth shark?! *starts emmiting a dark and deadly aura*

Fran: Author-sempai, we have to save (y/n)-sempai. Can't you just kill the old baka later?

Author-chan: True!!! Where's everybody else? They better be ready!!!

Xanxus: SHUT UP TRASH!!!


Author-chan: You guys can save reader-chan without this idiot right? *pushes heel into Xanxus' back*

Lussuria: Now now, we need him too.

Belphegor: Ushishishi. The prince can save the princess without the commoners help.


*everyone throws a knife at Squalo and shuts him up*

Author-chan : Jeez, you could have just said so NICELY!!! Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Bye bye~.

*Author-chan does not own KHR or any of its characters or Hei from Darker than Black. I do own this plot.*

(Reader's POV)

My head is pounding again and I can't feel anything. I can barely move and I'm covered in a blanket of darkness. I don't know where I am or how long I've been here, I just know that I'm not in control.

'What's going on out there? I hope I'm not going on another rampage. I don't want to be a monster...'

"But you are a monster."

I turn and look around but I can't see anything. The voice was dark but melodic, I can't quite explain it.

"Who are you?" I ask, my throat and head hurting too much to yell.

"I'm you. All of your anger, pain, confusion, stress; I am you."

A blinding white light pierces the darkness and I cover my eyes. When the light dies down, I open my eyes and see that i am now in a desert and rocky type landscape. I find a woman in front of me and she looks just like me, except her eyes are bright purple. She smirks at me and winks.

"Like how you look when your angry? I'm my opinion, I'm much better than you though. I'm stronger, faster, more agile, and I don't have to worry about those petty emotions. They only hold you back queenie ~."

"Yeah, that's why you're psychotic, cocky, and heartless~." I retort.

She clicks her tongue and charges at me. I sense Mist flames so she's coming from either behind or below. There's also a faint feeling of Storm flames so.... Below!

I jump back and just miss her rampage of attacks. I make a bow and arrow out of rain flames and shoot at her. One grazes her, but she doesn't slow down. She forms an ax out of lightning flames and strikes at me. I jump up high and use sun flames to temporarily blind her. I then kick her right in the gut and send her flying toward the side of the mountain.

"Aww. Nice effort queenie, but it wasn't good enough~."

She grins and walks away from the mountain side and she dusts her clothes off. I then realize that she's wearing the outfit that I usually wear when i have to go on assassination missions; a black tank top, a black vest that has gold trimmings, long black arm warmers that cover the back of your hand, black pants, and high black boots. There are accents of gold along with some belts and buckles.

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