Fun at the Beach

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Author-chan: Konichiwa!! It's is now time for a little Fran x reader chapter. I think it's really cute!

Fran: Author-sempai, Squalo-sempai is looking for you.

Author-chan: Seriously?! DIDNT I beat him up already? Ugh, that's it! Fran, where's Luss?

Lussuria: I'm right here. What is it dear?

Author-chan: *cute and innocent face* Luss, Squalo won't leave me alone and my knuckles are a bit sore and I don't want to mess up my boots! *baby voice and puppy dog eyes* Can you take care of him please?

Lussuria: Why of course! *storms off to find Squalo*

Fran: Author-sempai is cruel and evil.

Author-chan: Arigato Mr. Froggy! I do not own KHR or any of it's characters. I do own this plot though and I partially own you. Please enjoy! *hears shouting and fighting coming from downstairs* Hey Fran, wanna watch TV with me?

(Reader's POV)

"Why is it sooooo hot!?!?" I complain.


"Now now, be nice." Lussuria refereed.

"Ushishishi." Bel laughed.

"Bel-sempai, you sound like a creep." Fran said in his monotone voice.

"Tch. The boss is trying to-"

"SHUT UP!!" Xanxus boomed cutting off Levi.

"Oh, I know! Let's go to the beach!!" I exclaim, jumping off the couch with a huge smile.

For some unknown reason, today was super hot. Usually it's 80° or 90° but today it's 100°. There weren't any assignments or missions for us to do and its too hot to even prank each other which really sucks.

"That sounds like fun (y/n)-sempai." Fran agrees.

"Ushishishi. The prince wants to see the princess in a bikini." Bel said.

At this, Squalo and Xanxus blushed but Fran blushed the most. I glared at Bel and he just sent me his signature smirk.

'This is going to be crazy. Or normal for us. Yup, normal for us.'

(Time skip- at the beach)

(Reader's POV)

We finally got to the beach after everyone complained about riding in the same limo and Bel started yet another fight with me. In the end, we only messed up a few seats and everyone's sanity (not that we had any to begin with).

I'm wearing a (f/c), sleeveless, loose shirt with 'LOVE' written on it, blue jean shorts, (f/c) Adidas Originals that cover my ankles, and my usual dog tags. I'm also carrying a small black backpack to keep my swimwear in.

We all decide to go grab something to eat. There are alot of restaurants but we decide to go for sushi. It was actually pretty good and for a cheap price.

"(Y/n) dear, slow down. We can always order more." Lussuria says.

"But I'm hungry! And this is good!" I explain before stuffing my mouth with food again.

"The princess need to be more-" I cut Bel off my throwing some sushi in his hair.

"Yeah. And the prince needs to shut up." I stick my tongue out at him and he gets a tick mark.

"Kaching..." And the fight begins.

In the end, we may have destroyed the poor restaurant. Okay, we did... We'll have a bunch of paper work to do later but who cares about that right now!

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