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I'm glad I told Shawn, I was glad to get it off my chest. Speaking of chest, that night Shawn and I were cuddling watching TV. I slowly fell asleep in his warmth.

Darkness, was all I could see. I could hear a frightful laugh from the darkness. The same laugh that man had. I looked around an started screaming. "Get Away from me!" "Don't touch me stop! Don't hurt her!"

"SIRENA!" Shawn shouted. I shot up from the bed with tears in my eyes. I stood up and went to bathroom. I put my hands under cold water and pressed them gently on my face. I dried my face with a towel and Shawn gave me another huge hug. "Is everything okay?" I heard Jack J ask coming from the next room. "Yeah, just a dream." I sighed and laid back down.

"Is she okay?" I heard Sam ask. "Yeah she's fine." I sat up. Giving her the 'we need to talk' look. "Can you give us a minute?" Sam asked. Shawn and Jack left the room closing the door behind them.

"Hey, you okay?" I sighed. "No, I'm still having the dreams." I replied. She sighed and gave me a hug. "I know I am to, Yumi has them almost every night."

"She was his favorite." I replied. Sam slapped my shoulder. "Sorry." I laid down and looked up at the old popcorn ceiling. "What we went through was traumatizing. We can't let go of it no matter what." I said. I got up and walked to Shawn's guitar and started strumming. "Remember Norma?" I asked. "Yeah, she was our savior." I kept strumming and started to sing.

"Come little children

I'll take the away, into a land of enchantment

Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows."

I started strumming more and Sam started singing.

"Follow sweet children, I'll show you the way, through all the pain and the sorrows, weep not poor children for life is this way, murdering beauty and passion."

Yumi came in and started singing with us.

"Hush now dear children, it must be this way, to weary of life and deception, rest now my children, for soon will away, into the cold and the quiet."

(Instrumental break)


Norma went upstairs, and while the man slept she snapped the window lock. We suffocated the men guarding the cell and escaped by stealing the key. We snuck up stairs, and once all of us were out. We looked back to see Norma's throat sliced.

End flashback......

All of us started singing.

"Come little children, I'll show you thee away,

Into a land of enchantment,

Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows."

I started strumming the final chords and soon the song ended.

"I think that would be the one song that would describe Norma. She may have been troubled but she saved us, all of us. Candice would still be alive is Norma planned it sooner." Sam growled. I put down Shawn's guitar. There was a knock on the door. Yumi opened it and there stood Claire and Hayley.

Hayley sat next to me on the bed and Claire sat next to Sam. "We're so sorry about all of it."

"It's okay, it's not like it's your fault." I said. "I remember the therpy, it helped us all." Sam groaned in irritation. "Well no durh!" "HEY! That's enough." I sighed. The boys started coming in one by one.

"Hey all of the guys are going to Taco Bell." I looked at my phone. "At eleven o'clock at night." Taylor smiled and held Sam's hand for her to stand. "I could eat a Dorito Taco right now." Yumi stood up and followed Taylor and Sam. The rest of us did also.

We walked all the way to Taco Bell. Shawn's arm was around my waist. All the boys talked about what they did at Magcon and their funny little moments they had together.

"Hey Sirena, are you okay?" Bas asked. I nodded. "You've been quiet the whole time."Matt said. "We'll be back." Yumi and Sam grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

"Hey! You need to get your shit together!" Sam said. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me." Sam nodded mockingly. "Fine but don't act like a fricken depressed puppy, okay?" She shouted. "I don't know what gives you the right to yell at me." I yelled back, not the smartest move. "What the hell are you doing acting like a depressed puppy, we have to get over it!"

"GUYS!" Yumi shouted, but we both ignored her. "That part of our life, that part of all three of our lives, where we suffered and where we feared the most. Do you think I can get over that? Do you think anybody can get over it. The memories of the cell, the man, THE CHAINS BURN IN THE BACK OF MY MIND SAM! AND YOU EXPECT FOR ME TO JUST FORGET ABOUT IT?" I walked up close to her. "Something like that can never ever be forgotten. Do you think you can forget?" I asked.

I walked back inside and told Shawn that I'm walking back to the hotel. "I'll come with you." It was a long night I needed to sleep it off.

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