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Magcon was over and it was time to go back to LA. I had fun here in Atlanta. I could come back here for a vacation. "You ready?" I herd Hayley ask. "Yeah, just let me tell Shawn goodbye."

"Bye Shawn!" He smiled at me. "You live in LA right?" He asked. "Yes." "Around Universal Studios?" I nodded. I live right outside of it, so I always go to city walk with Yumi and the girls.

"Cool we live around there too." I tilted my head in confusion. "What? Really?" I asked. I jumped in excitement and jumped up Shawn, my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" He started laughing and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

After waiting three hours for the boys to pack, (with them focused on packing) we headed to the airport and flew back to LA. I sat next to Shawn on the plane and looked out the window like I was a little kid.

"So, umm," he said trying to find a subject to talk about. "You know, I don't really know how you became famous." He smiled. "Well it all started on vine, I started making little videos that would record parts of song covers that I did. So I then started a YouTube channel and some people decided to work with me and here I am. A am famous singer." I smiled. "I'm so proud of you. Your parents must me so proud too." He nodded. "I'm sure my sister will like you."

"Cool you have a sister! I hope she likes me." He gave me another warm hug and a kiss on the head.

When we got to LA, all the girls and I went to the front. The boys took their own rides home. I gave Shawn my home and email address. "Okay I'll see you later." He smiled and kissed my cheek. "OH MY GOD ITS SHAWN MENDES!" A whole bunch of girls started crowding around him. I can see he was trying to get through. So I helped him.

"Excuse me ladies! I believe me boyfriend and I should be going." He grabbed hold of my hand and we walked away, making the fans gasp. I heard cameras going off. "Thanks," Shawn said. "No problem. I'll just have to get used to it."

"Mom! I'm home." She ran gave me a tight hug. "Oh my dear child, you won't believe how worried sick I was. I just-" I gave we another hug. "M-mom, it's okay, I-it's not going t-to h-happen again." I stuttered. "I someone here who would like to meet you." I held Shawn's hand and stepped through the doorway. "Oh, who is this young lad."

"Mom, this is Shawn." I replied. My heart was pounding. Please, accept, please, accept, please, accept, please accept! "He's very handsome I gotta say." She said. "Yeah, and he is also famous." I added. He smiled.

"Oh, if your famous you better not cheat on her with some other celebrities stars!" Shawn nodded. "Of course not. I will do everything in my hand to protect her and keep her safe." Shawn said. I winked at him sending him a positive message.

"Well it was nice to meet you Shawn." He nodded. "I live two houses from you guys." He said. "Really and I never knew. Gods the girls would have been freaking out." I laughed.

I walked with Shawn to his house to meet his parents. "Mom, Dad!" They both came downstairs hugging their little Star. "Oh Shawn, who is that?" The mother seemed interested. "Ahh, a girl huh Shawn?" His dad asked. I nodded. His mom observed me. Luckily I wore something nice.

"She does have good bone structure," she said. "Nice clean hair, and she looks like she had a great personality." I sighed letting out relief. "Shawn your sister be back around four. Why don't you walk Sirena home and come back so you can wait for her." He nodded.

"Your parents seem really nice." I said. I got goosebumps, he kissed my cheek but that only created more. He wrapped his arm around me. "Welcome home!" He smiled.

"Thank you so much Shawn." I gave him a hug. I heard a car drive in front on my house and I saw Yumi and the girls. "Hey Sirena! Let's go!" I laughed. "Where?" I asked separating myself from Shawn. "Bring him too, Nash invited all of us to his party at Cam and his apartment." Shawn nodded. "I'll go but I have to wait till my sister gets home."

"I'll ask my mom." I said. I walked inside and asked her, she hesitated but said yes. "Yeah, I can go. But only for a little bit, I'm a little tired." Claire got out of the car and shoved me inside. "Bye Shawn, I'll call you later." He smiled and waved goodbye.

We made it to Nash and Cam's apartment. You could see lights and here the music. We went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Girls! You made it!" Can shouted giving each and everyone of us a hug. "Yay! Let's go dance Sirena!" Claire grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dance floor. "Wait let's go say hi first." I said.

"Sirena!" I looked over to my left and saw Nash and Matt. "Hey!" I have both of them hugs and so did Claire. She gave Nash a kiss though. We went outside on the balcony and Aaron and Taylor hugged us. "Hai guys!" I said making my voice sound funny.

We said hi to everyone. We didn't even know that the O2L boys, Andrea, Russet, or JennxPenn was there also. This was going to be a fun night.

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