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"Yumi! Wait up!" I shouted. I started running to catch up with the girls. We just landed and I don't know really know Atlanta. Claire took out her phone an started taking pictures. "Hey guys we need to get to the hotel." A random girl came up to me with a random poster with a whole bunch of boys on it. "Are you here for Magcon too????" She asked, more like squealed. "My friends are." I smiled. The look on her face made it look like she was annoyed and pissed. "What your not a fan?" What is up with her. "Not as big, as my friends." I could feel the sweat drip from my forehead. "Well I'll see you around," she smiled and left. What the hell just happened?

The four of us went to the Marriott. My family paid for the hotel room and we were in hotel room, twenty. Hayley helped me with the luggage and went upstairs to our room. "Okay, this should be it, key?" I asked hold my hand out. She gave me the key and we walked inside. Yumi and Sam plopped on the bed and screamed 'YAS'. I laughed and sat down at the desk and unpacked my computer. "What are you doing?" Sam asked. "Looking for my tracks." I said pulling out my DJ program tractor. "Hey, no working while we here." Yumi said, while closing my computer. I opened it back up and and started playing one of their favorite tracks. They all started dancing while I was working on a report.

"Oh my gosh Yumi!" I shouted. She started tweeting on the wall. Well we are alone in Atlanta. They all started twerking until the door was heard. I paused the music. "Hey, sorry for the loud music my friends and I were just...." I opened the door to see Jack, Jack, and......I think Cameron? "Uhhhh, hey Yumi, their's someone at the door for you four." I said. They started screaming and getting autographs and pictures. I sat down and plugged my ear phones and put one in my ear.

"Hey I'm Jack J, and that's Jack G. Wanna come next door to see the other guys?" I heard Yumi and the other girls squeal. "Sirena, wanna come with us?" Claire asked. "No." Sam walked over to me and sighed.

"Oh come on Sirena!" Sam pulled off my earphone. "What?" I asked, slightly annoyed. "We're going next door, this door will be open." She pointed to the door next to the TV. "Okay." The other door opened and a whole bunch of boys were yelling and shouting. I heard them introducing each other. "There's also another one in the bedroom." Sam said.

"Shut up Sam!" I said. "Awwww! Come on! Join us on this lovely night!" I heard a boy say. Then I heard a strumming guitar. "Oh hey Shawn, Sirena also sings, and plays guitar, piano, and clarinet." I stood up and gave Sam a look. "Really?" I asked. "Hey look who joined us!" I sighed. "Sorry, but I'm not staying for long, I'll be next door if you need me." I turned around and as soon as I was about to close it someone stopped it with their foot. I turned around and saw a boy with nice brown eyes and brown hair. "I'm Shawn, and I heard you can play guitar." I nodded. "Oh come on Sirena, just stay for a little bit, finish Mr. Call's report tomorrow." Hayley begged. "Fine, I'll stay." I giggled. I sat down on one of the chairs.

"So you play guitar?" Shawn asked. "Yeah, I've been playing for a couple years now." I nodded. "Do you sing?" I nodded. He smiled and so did I. Sam nudged my arm. "Shut up." She started giggling.

"So what do you wanna do in the future?," Jack asked. "I would like to be a musician for a music producer, and if that doesn't work, I'll study marine life and become an oceanographer." The other Jack looked interested. "A music producer? How do you achieve something like that?" I smiled. "Well I create music tracks, and sell them some music mixing companies like Spinnin' Records? After three years I now have a partnership with them," I explained. "So your like a DJ?" Nash asked. I finally managed to remember their names. "Yeah, kind of." I said. "She's also a dancer," Yumi 'coughed.' "Why are we talking about me? You know Yumi has a black belt in Karate, Claire is also a dancer, by in ballet, Hayley is a singer and a gymnast, Sam is a cello player and is a Youtuber herself," the guys laughed. "Oh my god that's awesome! Your a fricken black black belt in Karate!" Matthew shouted. I saw Cameron took out his phone and started video taping something. He pointed his phone towards me. "Sirena! Say something....." I looked awkward. "Hi." The guys all laughed and so did my friends. I shrugged it off and went back to our room. I checked the time and saw that it was eleven thirty. "Guys it eleven thirty." I said. They girls whined. "Awww, please just a few mor-" I raised a eyebrow, "the guys have to sleep so they have energy for tomorrow, come on." We went back to our room. "We all should hang out again." Shawn said.

"Yeah we should!" Yumi shouted leaning on the door way. I slightly pushed her back inside. "Yeah, well we all exchanged phone numbers so, we should contact each other some time." He nodded and so did I. "Hey Shawn, let's go buddy!" I heard Taylor shout. "Be right there, well, bye." He said walking a little fast. I smiled and closed the door and locked it.

The next day, we heard a knock on the same door. "Hey! Wake uuuuppppp!" Cameron started jumping on Sam and I's room. "Cam? What are you doing?" I asked annoyed. "Time to wake up to go to Magcon." I jumped up and woke up Sam, and the girls. "Guys wake up! Can go back next door. I thought I locked that door too." I said scratching my head.

After all of us got dressed and freshened up we went outside and saw the Jacks hug us. They handed us Magcon backstage passes. "What? Seriously?" I asked Gilinsky. "Mhmm." He smiled.

"I will stay trueeeeee!" Jack and I sang 'Honey I'm Good' on the way to Magcon. It was at another hotel called the Hilton. "You excited?" Johnson asked. "Umm, yeah sure I guess." I think it's pretty cool how they let us have front row seats.

"OMG! I can't believe, our hotel room is next to Nash and Cam's!" Hayley shouted. A whole bunch of girls came screaming and asking us a whole bunch of questions. "WHAT HOTEL?" WHAT NUMBER? Before I knew it I heard Nash and all the other guys come out on stage being announced one by one. The speakers were blasting drop basing music. It was sick actually. In a good way.

About in hour into the panel, Shawn took the microphone. "Okay, umm so we met these girls last night and umm, we all decided to bring them up on stage. So can we have the most beautiful black belt in Karate,Yumi Chavez up here please." Yumi smiled and was lead to the stage. She gave Carter a hug. "The sweet Hayley Dimitri!" Cam shouted. Hayley smiled too and ran up the stairs on stage. "Can I also have up here Samantha Lakes." She followed the guy to the stage, she gave Taylor a big hug. "The one and only Claire Henderson." She screamed and gave Nash a hug. "Okay, so this girl she is very talented and she is very, very, beautiful. She can do so many things from dancing hip hop to selling music tracks to Spinning records."

All I felt was my heart beating fast. I was speechless. He called me pretty. He was pretty cute too, I have to admit. "So Sirena Wellington, will you come up here please?" Shawn asked. I could see him looking down at me. I smiled and so did he. I went around the crowd and made my way to the stage.

"Okay, so Sirena, I have you up here, on this stage with me." Shawn said. "And now, I'm going to ask you a very important question." He held my hand, he started singing, (based on "Hey There Delilah)

"Hey there Sirena, you know today you look so pretty, even though you live miles away, I still a think your like kitty." I started laughing and so did the guys. "So hey Sirena, would like to go on a date with, me can travel around the world and you'll by my side, oh yes you will, oh yes you will. OH! It's what you do to me. Oooohhh, it's what you do me. Do you want to go on a date with me?"

"Of course!" I said giving him a huge hug. "Yes!" Matthew said. "THE SHIP HAS SAILED!" Taylor and Nash shouted.

I smiled. I gave him another hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and he was jumping. He was that excited. "Well I guess that gives me the guts to do this." I heard Nash say. I turned and saw that Nash and Claire were kissing. Yumi and the others found boyfriends. Wow how ironic.

After the special surprise, Shawn took me out to dinner, we had a nice sweet Italian dinner. "So tell me more about yourself." Shawn asked. "Well I mean, I grew up in LA. And all my family lives in New Jersey." I said. "My family is kind of, well broken, mom's cousin is in prison for a murder he committed." I said. It hurt telling this to Shawn, he'll probably change his mind about me if I go on any further.

"I'm sorry to hear." Shawn said. "It's okay, I mean, I did grow up in a harsh neighborhood. You see, when I was little my mom and dad were always at work, so I'd be left home alone. One day when I was home alone, there was a break in and a kidnapper on the loose around the block. The stuff that I'm going to tell you is something no one can know about." I said. "Okay," he gulped. "I'm so sorry, to hear everything about your past. My childhood was nothing like yours." I smiled. "Sorry, I hop-" I nodded, "it's okay, I'll tell you later at the hotel."

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