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Foldy: I am a woman.

Sotp Sign: I am gay.

Dark Markery: I have severe depression.

Crystal: I think killing people is fun.

Bell: I want to fuck anime women with large breasts.

Sunny: My teeth are so sharp, sometimes I wound myself.

Wild Card: I have never had a job, as employers are too afraid to hire me.

Stapy: I once slept on an unmade mattress for 6 months.

Pen: I cannot reproduce as my uterus is only capable of spawning demons.

Difficulty Chart: I am plagued by frequent back pains.

Danger Marker: I am so sexy god had to handicap me by making me explicitly gay, and giving me debilitating social anxiety so I could not fuck the entire population.

Marker: My legs don't always work.

Tax Document: I can't watch mainstream TV shows because they are unrelatable, and I am just too cool to understand.

Sunny: I have rabies.

Book: Sometimes I cry when I see beautiful women because they are beautiful.

Marker(Alex): I use internet terms in my everyday speech and nobody knows what the fuck I'm talking about.

Crystal: My brain is poisoned by the information age.

Serenity Marker: I have gone 2 months without leaving my house before.

Wild Card: I want to single-handedly FIGHT all the billionaires in the world.

Sushi: I stan Nuzi.

Zen Marker: I no longer have any desire to change any of these facts.

Fries: I love myself.


Firey Jr: Millenials fear me!

Crayon: Zoomers want what I have.

Sotp Sign: Boomers want me dead.

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