Chapter 10

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There was nothing better than waking up to My Life by Billy Joel. As Evanee opened her eyes and turned the alarm on her phone off, she saw that it was 6:45.

Usually, the bus would go to her bus stop pretty early which was around seven and by then there'd be around fifteen people crowding on the sidewalk so they'd be able to get to the bus also.

This particular morning was much different though. Evan had sent her a text last night saying that he'd pick her up and drive to school around 7:25, giving her forty minutes to get ready.

Gemma came home around ten the night before like always and was exhausted, so Evanee didn't want to wake her up as she got ready. The raven haired girl got up from the bed and into the kitchen for breakfast. She found some yogurt in the fridge along with a few cut up strawberries and some blueberries.

She wasn't that hungry so yogurt and fruits were completely fine. Evanee also made some coffee, leaving some over for her aunt when she woke up.
After her small breakfast, she did her usual morning routine; washed her face, brushed her teeth, hair, and then clothes.

It being the middle of August, Evanee had decided on black leggings, a beige knit sweater that reached down to the middle of her thigh, and black wedged heels. She left her hair down and grabbed her bag and binder, heading out the door.

Evan was already outside and didn't notice that Evanee was going towards him. His red jacket and black jeans hid the large muscles Evanee remembered.

"Sup bitch," Evanee said. The boy looked up from his phone and smiled back at her.

"Morning Ducky. You're fifteen minutes early." The green eyed girl checked the time and it was only 7:10, which meant that they still had fifty minutes to go to school. "Its better to be early anyways. Hop in."

The two got in the car and Evanee connected her phone to the speaker, earning a questioning glance from the driver. She merely shrugged and scrolled through songs list to find a song to enjoy with Evan.

As he started the car and drove away from their neighborhood, Evan smiled hearing Evanee's song choice. Come and Get Your Love by Redbone was one of Evanee's favorites since she first hears it from Guardians of the Galaxy.

They didn't sing this time, but they still enjoyed the music until Evanee turned it off to talk. "So how do the other chicken nuggets get to school?"

"You mean David and them?" Evanee nodded. "Well Jonathan walks since he lives across from the school, David has his own motorcycle, and Tyler rides his bike usually. But we're picking David up today."

On cue, Evan parked the car in front of a small house with a tall figure standing by the front. He honked catching the figure's attention.

"Shotgun!" David shouted running towards the car.

"I'm pretty sure that doesn't qualify since I'm already in here," Evanee laughed watching David frown when he got in the backseat.

Evan started the car once again and drove towards Tracker High. It was 7:20 so there'd probably be a few people at school, which was great now that Evan thought about it.

Since he had come to the decision that he would stop making Evanee's life a 'living hell', he didn't want to bring much attention to her since she didn't like being in the spotlight. If a lot people saw that he had driven her to school, she'd be talked about a bit.

David interrupted Evan's train of thought. "Can you play some music? Preferably Ed Sheeran."

Fortunately, Evanee was also a huge fan of the british, ginger haired singer so David had many different songs to choose from. He had picked Homeless, which included a lot of fast paced singing.

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