Chapter 28

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"One more picture!" Gemma exclaimed, holding her phone out.

"You've said that over five times tonight. We have to go," Evanee said, pulling David to his motorcycle.

"Okay. Well, be careful tonight and have fun!"

That was the last thing the two heard as David revved up the vehicle and started off towards the school. Evanee's white dress wasn't long and it was surprisingly comfortable so riding on David's motorcycle proved to be pretty enjoyable. It was strapless and flared out at her waist, reaching down to the middle of her thigh. It was also a beautiful, smooth material with black  swirls decorating the corset part.

Meanwhile, David wore a black suit with a white tie and a white flower peeking out of his jacket pocket.

It didn't take them long to reach the school and thankfully, Evanee's hair wasn't messed up. The long locks of raven hair were wrapped up in a bun with a white flower pinned to the side, the same flower on David's suit.

"Your aunt really outdid herself with the clothes, but I can't say she wasted her time," David said, walking to the school circle where the dance was at. "You look stunning."

"And you don't look so bad yourself," Evanee said.

After handing one of the teachers supervising the dance in the front their tickets, the two of them walked to the school circle and were in awe at the sight.

The several trees in the school circle were decorated in fairy lights that provided the only source of light apart from the moon. Then there were a few tables to the side with red punch and a few large plates of untouched snacks. The school hired one of the students for a DJ. He was actually pretty good and usually DJ'd Evan's parties. Aside from that, Homecoming was just a simple dance in the middle of their school campus.

There were only a few people talking over the simple pop culture music playing. It was still kind of early and no one wanted to dance until more people showed up.

"You want eat all the snacks before everyone else shows up," Evanee suggested, eyeing the wide array of snacks.

David smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."

They casually walked to the table and grabbed a few items. Most of the snacks were cookies and candy. The rest were just a few vegetables with ranch and crackers with cheese and ham.

The last choice of food had Evanee drooling. "Crackers with ham and cheese," Evanee said happily. "Haven't had this snack in forever."

Most people wouldn't find another person attractive if that person were stuffing food into their mouth, but it seemed to be just the opposite for David. The wondrous faces Evanee made when eating were actually cute.

After eating almost all of the entire plate full of crackers, Evanee looked up and wiped the crumbs from her mouth. "Sorry. Did you want some?"

The tall Irish boy bursted out laughing and shook his head. "I'm good with my cookies." He paused for a second. "Kelly and Tyler just got here. You want to say hi?"

Evanee nodded, taking more crackers in her hand and actually stuffing some candy in her bra when David wasn't looking.

"You two look great," Kelly said when they walked up to them. "And your outfits match," she awed.

"My aunt gets a bit too excited for things like these. Anyways, I haven't seen in you in forever. How've you been?"

"Great. Laser tag isn't as fun without you guys, but this cutie makes up for it," Kelly said, kissing his cheek.

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