Chapter Eighteen: Morning Spat

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'I can't believe Gemma would suggest I don't hate him. I do. I really do. When I think of him, my blood boils with anger. And the fact that she thinks I'd just run away with him if he'd asked me to? That's complete and utter bollocks. I never want to see him again, let alone speak to him long enough for him to ask me to run away. Sometimes, I wonder how she gets such good grades when she's so daft. Anyway, I'm meeting with her in five minutes, so I just wanted to give you a quick update. Bye, diary.'

"Aaa! Fock," I yelped when I hit the ground. The lamp above me turned on, and I saw Oli's sleepy face hanging in the air above me. "Are you alright?" He muttered, wiping the sleep from his eyes. I sat up slowly and looked around. It looked like my room in the bungalow. Everything was where it should've been. "Am I dreaming right now?" I asked, pinching myself. "Ow," I cursed. "Why would you be dreaming? Come on, up you get," he helped me stand. "What are you doing here?" I asked. I saw that we were both still wearing yesterday's clothes. The laptop was still on the bed. And I understood. "I fell asleep here," he yawned. "In my bed? With me in it?" I asked, a bit horrified. "Apparently so. Twilight's an awfully boring movie," he joked. "How dare you?" I scoffed. "Leonora, you were snoring even before Bella found out Edward's a vampire. How dare I? How dare you?" He countered. "I was not snoring! Was I?" My eyes widened. "You snored like a proper lorry driver. And don't get me started on your drooling... we both almost drowned in your saliva," he closed his eyes and shook his head. "You're joking," I muttered, trying to convince myself. "I am, but you did fall asleep before me," he grinned. "You are such a bloody wanker!" I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. "So, did you dream about me? Is that why you drooled so much?" He asked with a laugh as he jumped off the bed to get away from me. "If I had a dream about you, it would be a nightmare," I rolled my eyes. Lie. But he doesn't need to know that. "Right, that's why you had to pinch yourself when you saw me earlier," he laughed cheekily. "Aye! Because I thought I was still inside the nightmare," I countered. "Sure, keep telling yourself that, Leonora. Tell me, was I shirtless? Is that why you rolled off the bed?" He continued poking fun at me. "You're so funny," I narrowed my eyes at him, fastening my hold on the pillow before I ran around the bed to hit him again. He swiftly jumped on my bed again to put distance between us. Then he jumped off and ran out of my room. "Get back here, Oliver!" I yelled after him. I heard him continue laughing before the door to our bathroom closed. I dropped the pillow on the bed and checked my phone for the time. It was 7 in the morning. As if on cue, Gemma barged into my room in a shirt and knickers and glared a hole in my head. "Do you know what time it is? Keep it down, you wankers!" She growled before she stomped away. I giggled and shook my head. Oops. I calmed down and made my bed. I searched through my bag for clean clothing. While I waited for the bathroom to be free, I went on Instagram to answer my unread messages. Remmy had texted to ask how I was doing and sent me a couple of photos of Vienna. I replied and asked how he was, too. I had a few messages from my mates, and I replied even though I would see them in a couple of hours anyway. And there were some from my parents. What surprised me the most was a message from Mickey, asking if Oli was with me. I sent an affirmative answer just as Oli walked back inside my room. "Are you calm now?" He asked. "Aye, but only if you promise to stop being a cunt," I said. "I'll stop being a cunt if you stop dreaming about me," he grinned again. "Oliver, I swear to God, I will murder you," I narrowed my eyes, prompting him to laugh. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry," he said. "You better be. By the way, Mickey's messaged me yesterday. I think he was worried about your whereabouts," I told him. "I'll see him later anyway. They won't be up for a while, though," he said. "Aye, it's really early," I said. "What time is it, anyway?" He asked. "7," I said. "Bloody hell..." his eyes widened. "I'm going to take a shower and get dressed. You probably want to sleep some more, right?" I asked him. "No, I think I'll get showered and changed, and then I'll have a cup of coffee," he said. "Oh, okay," I said, "Enjoy your coffee, then." He lifted an eyebrow at me and rolled his eyes. "Leonora, you nitwit, you can join me, y'know?" He said. "Oh, sorry, I didn't want to assume," I muttered. "How many times do you need me to say that I love spending time with you?" He scowled. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry," I raised my arms in defence. "Just go shower. I'll meet you outside in half an hour. Alright?"

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