Chapter Twenty: The Foggiest 404

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'Today, Henry said that my parents leave all the time because they don't like me. I cried in the toilets for an hour. Gemma found me. She didn't take it well at all when I told her what he'd said, and she dragged me to class with her before she punched him square in his face. She got detention, and he got a black eye. I love her so much. She's the best friend I could ask for.'

My alarm rang at 8:30. I groaned as I rolled to my side. I turned it off and slowly sat up. The room was blaringly bright, and I had to squint my eyes. My head was screaming at me to take an aspirin and drink a gallon of water. I stretched and got out of bed, slowly walking toward the bathroom, where all my medicine was. While I was in there, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. It took the aspirin 20 minutes to kick in, during which time I got dressed and packed all my belongings. I made the bed and checked if I hadn't forgotten anything anywhere. Then, I brought all my things to the communal space in the middle of the bungalow and made myself something to eat. It was surprisingly quiet still. I didn't know if everyone was still sleeping or what. I got my answer three minutes later when two sets of alarms began ringing, signalling 9 AM. It wasn't long after that before the two couples left their rooms to eat something and to get ready for our departure. Gemma was the first one to be done and ready. She asked me to go outside with her, just like the previous day. We didn't go far this time, though. We sat on the warm concrete in front of the bungalow. "So? Did he stay over?" She asked. "Who?" I questioned. "What'd'you mean who? Oli," she whispered. "Oh! No, he wasn't in my room when I woke up. I don't remember him leaving, though," I shrugged. "He must have left after we'd all went to bed then because I didn't see him leave, and we were up until 4," she said. "Did you have fun at the festival?" I asked her, changing the subject. "Aye, it was a blast. I'm a bit sad that we didn't manage to spend too much time together, though," she frowned slightly. "Me too," I agreed. "But! You had an entire two summer romances in the span of four days, which is bloody amazing," she grinned. "I had one summer romance," I chuckled. "What? Are you forgetting about Remmy?" She asked. "No, I meant Remmy. Who are you talking about? Oli?" I asked. "Aye, Oli," she said. "That wasn't a summer romance," I shook my head. "Had you heard some of the things the lads said when you two were away, you wouldn't be denying it so easily," she said matter-of-factly. "What are you on about?" I asked. "Well, the short version of it is that they strongly believe Oli's trying to get into your knickers," she explained. "He's not. We're just mates," I denied. "You wouldn't mind it if he was, though," she pointed out. "I don't think I'd want to shag him, to be honest," I told her truthfully. "WHAT?" she exclaimed. "Bloody hell, Gem! Keep it down," I covered her mouth with my hand. She licked it and sniggered at my disgusted face. "You're bloody disgusting," I rolled my eyes. "Oh, you love me, Tommy. But why wouldn't you want to shag him?" She asked, this time more quietly. "Because I might fall in love with him," I said. "So? It's fairly obvious something's changed for him. I honestly believe he might fancy you," she said. "He doesn't. He never will. And that's okay. I just need to put some distance between myself and him," I explained. "Good luck with that when you're stuck with him for the next two weeks," she snorted. "Fuck, I've completely forgot about that," I face-palmed. "If you've got so close in just four days, imagine what two weeks might do," she wiggled her brows. "Stop putting ideas in my head," I shoved her lightly. "Oh, don't pretend they aren't already there. Ooooh, speak of the devil," she grinned evilly. "Hey, Oli!" She waved at the man coming from our neighbouring bungalow. He waved back a bit awkwardly. I thought he might join us, but he just stood in front of his door. It opened again, and Oli was joined by Mickey. As soon as the latter noticed us, a naughty grin appeared on his face. He pushed his mate in our direction, forcing him to join us. "Morning, ladies," Mickey greeted. "Alright, Nicholls?" Gemma asked. "Aye, you?" He asked. "Of course. So, when are you lot leaving?" She asked. "In half an hour. Leonora, are you coming to London with us or did you want to ride in Dominic's car?" He shifted his attention to me. "Seeing as you'll get more than enough of me in the next two weeks, I think I'll just go with Dom. We're leaving soon, too," I replied. "So you won't be sitting on Oli then?" He sniggered, earning a glare from Oli and I. "Oi, you can't use the shite I say when I'm drunk against me," Oli said, sounding cheesed off. "I was just asking," he raised his hands innocently. "Oh, sod off," Oli glared and stormed away. "He seems to be in a wonderful mood," Gemma noted. "We may or may not have already given him an earful about yesterday," Mickey laughed. "Why would you do that?" I asked. "It's all in good fun, Thomas," he said. "Aye, it might be to you," I said. "Don't worry, love, he wouldn't take his anger out on you," Mickey shrugged me off. "That's not the point," I scoffed. "Lighten up, Leonora. They're just messing around," Gemma patted my back. I sighed and excused myself.

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