Chapter 4

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I went after her, but she quickly got to her door and locked it.
M" Zoey open the door."
She didn't say anything all I heard was her crying. After 15 minutes I gave up and went to my place and laid on my bed.
I felt so embarrassed, I can't believe Meghan would do that knowing how scared I was. for the rest of the night I stayed in my room and ignored the rest of the world.
**the next morning**
I woke up and begged my mom to let me stay home, she understood the feelings I was going through and let me stay while she went to work.
I went to the garage and saw Zoey wasn't there, so I went to her place and asked her mom if I could come in and talk. she let me and I went to Zoey's room.
Z" what are you doing here?"
M" I wanna talk to you."
Z" what's there to talk about, you already know I like you, I already know you don't like me so why hurt me more."
M" Zoey... I."
Z" Mark just please leave."
Mark didn't move he just stood there looking disappointed at himself.
Z" Mark just please leave you're gonna be late for school."
Mark walked toward me and kissed me then left. I started to cry again, I felt stupid, I felt dumb, I hated myself at that moment. for the rest of day I just thought to myself and cried, I was such a coward.
During school I didn't hang out with anyone I just kept to myself. I felt like I really hurt her even though I didn't say anything other than I know that you like me. Meghan came up to me after school again.
Meg" hey so how did she take it."
M" what do you think, obviously she took it bad cause she wasn't here today."
Meg" wow she must be mad at you."
M" no she should be mad at you cause when I told her she looked so terrified and pale like she didn't want me to know."
Meg" well she actually didn't want you to know, but I was just trying to help my friend out."
M" whatever."
I got in my car and sped back to the apartment, when I got in the garage I saw Zoey sitting down on the stairs and she was bleeding. I rushed over to her.
M" Zoey what happened."
Z" I was taking out the trash and I cut my leg on the dumpster."
She had a kind of big open scar on her leg, I took off my shirt and tied it tightly around her leg and carried her upstairs.

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