Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning with so many text messages on my phone from Jack saying. " good morning my love." "Hey beautiful wake up." Jack was really sweet and nice he was a good boyfriend too. I got up and got dressed and met Mark in the garage, he looked terrible.
Z" oh my gosh Mark what happened."
M" what... What do you mean."
Z" you look tired and your sweating."
M" I'm just a little sick I'll be fine."
Z" Mark I want you to stay home, and I'll bring you your homework."
M" no no I'll... be fine."
Z" Mark go upstairs and sleep."
M" at least let me drive you to school so you won't be late."
Z" fine."
Mark drove me to school and when we got there he was so tired he fell asleep on the wheel in the parking lot. I woke him up kissed his head and he left to go back home. I was then greeted by Jack who surprised me with Starbucks because we had a huge test today.
Z" aw thanks baby I needed this."
J" anything for my girl."
I went to class and Jack went to his, I was stressed because the rest was hard and I never study.
After the test it was lunch and I skipped lunch and went to my next class early and hung out with my favorite teacher Ms.B she's really nice and cool and she really understands my problems.
Z" hey Ms.B so what we gonna do for advanced class today."
B" oh just the same old thing working on our project, hey um where's Mark he's usually early."
Z" he's really sick so I'm just gonna pick up his homework and bring it to him when he comes to pick me up."
B" oh ok but hey what's up with you too I mean I know Mark is dating Rose but it seems like when he works with you he's more happy and energetic."
Z" oh well I don't know what's up with that."
B" ok well better take your seat class is about to start in 5..4..3..2..1."
Since Mark wasn't there today Ms.B helped me and it was really fun she was my favorite teacher. After school Mark was there to pick me up but I didn't see Jack I guess he had to leave early. Mark still looked really sick and even worse.
Z" Mark did you take any medicine."
M" no I hate medicine."
Z" Mark drive to the store."
M" ugh fine."
We drove to the store and I bought Mark some medicine for his cold. When we got home he took it and immediately fell asleep and I got a call from Jack.
J" he babe I'm sorry I had to leave early for a dentist appointment."
Z" it's ok baby."
J" so what you doing?"
Z" taking care of Mark."
J" what."
Z" he's really sick."
J" babe I don't think you should be around him if he's sick."
Z" it's fine baby."
J" if you really say so."
Z" I gotta go I'll talk to you later I love you."
J" love you more."
I felt like Jack didn't want me around Mark anymore but I didn't care he was my friend and I would do anything to help him.

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