Chapter 12

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It was the next day and that meant school time, I waited for Zoey in the garage who was walking now really slow and seemed to be in pain. I didn't bother to even ask what's wrong I just opened the door for her and we drove to school in silence. It was kind of awkward because usually we talk but I said I was going to leave her alone and that was my plan.
When we got to school I talked to Wade, Jack, and Bob then went to class Zoey had tried to talk to me but I just ignored her.

At lunch I sat with Bob and I could tell Zoey was staring at me because I saw her from the corner of my eye.
B" hey Mark what's wrong."
M" Zoey's pregnant and it's all my fault."
B" woah woah wait you had sex with a sophomore dude?"
M" yeah it was a mistake."
B" I understand but dang."
M" she's getting an abortion today."
B" ok so what's the problem."
M" I actually wanted to keep the baby, have a little mini Mark."
B" yeah that would be cool, maybe you could talk her out of it."
M" nah she's doesn't listen to anyone."
Mark didn't sit with us today I wonder if he's mad at me or I don't know. I didn't eat lunch because I didn't feel like it everyone at my table talked and I stayed silent. After lunch it was PE and we had to run 50 laps I walked most of them because it hurt to run and I have asthma. After PE was my advanced class which meant seeing Mark, we were working on a project in class and he was partner.
Throughout class we didn't say anything to each other and after class he wouldn't even look at me.
After school my mom picked me up and we went to the hospital, it took 2 hours but I had completed my abortion and I was just in so much pain that I didn't even want to move. Mark came to the hospital later and he finally spoke to me.
M" you ok?"
Z" yeah... Mark I would love to have a baby with you but just not now I wasn't ready for it I'm only 16 and I would want to be at least 20 before I have a child."
M" it's fine."
Z" hey so my birthday is in 2 weeks what you gonna get me?"
M" I don't know yet."
Z" ok."
There was obviously some awkward tension between us, I felt like Mark hated me but just didn't want to show it. Before he left he hugged me and kissed my head, and left me a card that said " Zoey I love you but I don't think I can be with you I need someone my age and who is more mature, it is true that I think of you as a little sister so I hope we can still be best friends but not with any benefits. Love your friend/brother Mark."

I was really sad, but if that's what he wanted then ok I can't make him want me the way I want him, I'll try to forget but I can never do that. Mark is my everything and seeing him with another girl would probably tear me apart but I have to learn to love and forget.

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