Chapter 10

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When I got out of the car Mark immediately started to yell.
Z" I know in sorry but I just had to find my mom."
M" well I could've driven you if you would've just asked."
Z" I'm sorry."
Mark stormed back inside and slammed his door. Later my mom came back and I was really happy.
Mom" Zoey I want to lay down the law with you ok."
Z" ok."
Mom" ok so for one you're grounded for a month two Mark can still drive you to school but ONLY school three I don't want you hanging out with Mark unless it's for homework help. Four usually the only chore you have is to keep your room clean, now you're gonna do all of the chores. And lastly you will respect me at all times and I'm taking your computer, I'll let you keep your phone for emergencies, only no Instagram or Facebook cause I'm locking those apps from my phone."
Z" ok mom."
Mom" and Zoey one more thing I saw you go to the bathroom and throw up I want you to take a pregnancy test."
She handed me the test and I took it, and it said that I actually was pregnant. My mom called Mark's parents and they all came over and we talked.
(P for Mark's parents)
P" so what the problem."
Mom" Zoey..."
Z" Mark and I had sex 2 days ago and I'm pregnant."
Mark was frozen he had no comments.
P" well Lisa(zoeys mom) You know we already talked about this and so Mark, Zoey we want you guys to raise your own child.
Mom" we want you both to raise the child, we both don't believe in abortion and so the only other option is for you guys to raise it on your own."
Mom" I know Zoey, but you did this on your own and so you have to pay the price."
M" wait mom are you serious!?"
P" yes Mark."
I got up and went to my room, Mark left and went to his room too. I was in such disbelief I really just don't understand how they could do that to us like we're young we barely know how to raise a child. At this point I really wanted an abortion, anything to get rid of this baby. I went back to the kitchen and asked my mom some questions.
Z" mom how am I going to go to school when I'm pregnant."
Mom" you are only in your first trimester you'll be fine."
Z" why can't I get an abortion?"
Mom" our religion doesn't allow it."
Z" but I have school tomorrow."
Mom" you don't have a baby bump yet kids won't know."
Z"why are you doing this to me, I'm only 16."
Mom" I was only 16 when I had you and we're doing great, honey I promise you'll be fine I know it seems really wrong for me to do this but you need to learn responsibility and respect and this baby is your and Mark's responsibility and it was your choice to disrespect me and have sex so this is the price you pay."
Z" this is so cruel."
Mom" no it's not it's called being a good mother."

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