shes kinda hot.

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drunk182 on tumblr:

they said the song was an introduction to their new album, and their new sound which is quite different to their previous stuff, so i guess u could say its also about the idea of moving away from the image people have given them and showing everyone thats not who they are ... so by naming the song "shes kinda hot" it makes everyone roll their eyes at first and has people thinking its gonna be some kinda cheesy garbage but once u have listened to the song, its got a deeper meaning ... basically its like a huge "fuck u" to everyone who has created an image of them based on what they see in the media or classed them as the "next one direction" and i think thats pretty cool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
its kinda also telling people who judge them based on their appearance / image without listening to their music to get wrecked

calum on she's kinda hot:
"She's Kinda Hot is a misleading title... it has a deeper meaning inside the song, it's a revolution for outcasts"
honestly guys this song is really amazing & has taught me, do not judge a song by its title. 5sos actually sound punk rock iM CRYIN.

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