Remember When?

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Remember Luke's first video? Remember when the guys did their first video with Ashton? Remember when they gained a lot of fans when they posted Try Hard and Heartbreak Girl on Youtube? Remember when they all had accents? Now, they all sound like Americans! Their loosing their accents! Remember when they were on tour with Hot Chelle Rae? Remember when Luke first got his lip piercing? Remember when Mikey first dyed his hair? Remember when Ashton first joined the band? Remember when Calum got his first tattoo? Remember when YOU first joined this fandom? You better remember cos one day, we're all gonna grow up and forget about these boys. They're gonna do their last show. They're gonna put up the drums, bass, guitars and microphones. They're gonna make their last album. They're gonna get married. They're gonna have kids. And us, well, we're gonna do the same. We're gonna listen to them for the last time. We're gonna cry after them for the last time. We're gonna stalk them for the last time. We're gonna get married. We're gonna have kids and we're gonna get through life. Enjoy life now cos one day, all of this is gonna happen. I wish that day wouldn't come, but it will. Make the best of our fangirling cos just know that one day, we're gonna log out of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr and Wattpad and we're gonna stop stalking them. I really wish these days won't come, but they will...

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