Runaway part 3

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Laurent pov...
After I had my mental breakdown and when Larry left I went straight home to get my stuff ready so I can leave this hell. As I'm walking I'm thinking to myself 'is that the reason why I been feeling so lonely like another part of me was missing and the reason why I had the urge to protect Larry and the reason why we had a connection in the beginning. Why couldn't my dad just tell me this... Wait a minute my dad'

While anger is rising.
So wait you are telling me I was kidnapped! What the hell, I'm so fuckin angry, I felt the need to scream and punch something, so I did. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *punch a wall* looks at bloody knuckles, but don't feel pain. There was only one way to calm me down, but it can be a two-parter, and that listens to music and/or dance. So that's what I did and it felt great my anger going down slowly, but surely.

Arriving at home.
Well by the time I came home it was 9:30 pm and I'm supposed to meet Larry at 12:00 am. I started packing clothes, shoes, hygiene, music, stereo, and money. I decided to take a shower and write a letter to Lucas.
In the letter.
'dear Lucas,
I'm left with my brother Larry. Yes, I found out my twin brother. What the hell man why didn't you tell me is this why you always got mad when I talked about them. Then you kidnapped me I really hate you. You made my life a living hell. By beating me, raping me, and taking the only thing I had left, a brother. Don't come and try to find me Ima be long gone with Larry. We are going to be famous together we will do everything together and you or Linda will NOT take him away.
Love, not, and will never be your son,
Laurent Nicolas Bourgeois

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