Anger a/n

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So I just want to vent to talk since y'all like the only ppl I can talk to. So how about me and my mother got I to an argument about everything but I still think she loves Jay more than me(the 11 year old who is bigger than me) any way I was really angry like I wanted to self harm runaway kill my family and some other shyt. I'm a good girl I never got issues never got detention except like twice and I'm I. The 11th grade I make honor roll it took me until this year to make a d so least I lasted this long unlike yo other kids. She always threatening me about replacing me in our singing group with my cousin who is 13 like what kind of confidence boost is that but she don't do that to Jay literally that's why I'm ducked up now. Get I said one cuss word or two on snap chat and my mom friend seen it out of all things she see that she never looks at my story. We went over her house yesterday she said we are going to be there for two hours so if you hungry then you should eat now or wait until later to have better options. We got there at 6 pm and left 1am I didn't eat at all it was cold my allergies were messed up. Anyway off subject, she told my mom about my cussing. My mom is the type of person if you do one thing bad she will hold it over your head for the rest of your life, but the only why I cussed was because she pissed me off. And she was like OMG I can't believe you did that and fjwkdhdjad nkk vifdkdmskdnfdj. I came home late because the school bus was late so I'm tired and as soon as I walk in the house hey cusser then we got into an argument again like leave alone and adults wonder why we get attitudes with them and rebel against them. Then she is going to tell everyone like really that's why I don't talk to you now you always say I'm able to talk to you and shyt fjbrjsbfnskdkf.... Talk talk talk. That's why I hate family I really do my sperm donor is a piece of shyt Im sounder right or and it's annoying. Like I'm ready to get a job so I can leave thank god I have one more year. Lastly I didn't even say the word I TYPED THE SHYT any way thanks for listening and I'm trying to work on both of the books but I changed the other one about the girl/s.
Bye everyone see you whenever

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