You just got yo ass beat

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Lau pov..
Well now Im on full panic mode it's been two days and no sign of Lar. I have been running and yelling Larry's name, but no answer. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and noticed it was turned off I facepalmed myself he could have called me. I turned it on and noticed I had a Voice Mail it said "hello son long time no see I have your precious little brother say hello" "h-h-h-e-eeyyy Lau please help me. ". Officially Lil' Beast has came out of hibernation and not the dance beast. I closed my phone, put it in my pocket, then headed out the door. But not before I grabbed my emergency gun. I'll tell you later on why I have this, but right now I have to get my baby back. The dumbass didn't even turn off his location, like really nigga . Anyway I went to the location which was an old abandoned McDonald's why I have no idea. I loaded my gun and walked in there and seen then worse thing ever
Larry was all bloody and passed out, but the thing is there was a little girl that look like Larry or me cuz you know we twins, but anyways the girl looks more like Larry tho I walked to the little girl and asked her in a gentle voice what happened. She jumped looked up at me then looked back down confused. I told her we are twins and she said O. "this is my daddy " "really" "yeah my mom and grandpa kidnapped him" "do they hurt you" "yes all the time I barely get to eat" "do you want to come with us after this " "yes please take me away" (Take me away (take me away)A secret place (a secret place)A sweet escape (a sweet escape)random moment) "ok when the mean people come back I want you to not tell them I'm here and I will and jump on him ok" "ok" "by the way how old are you" "an age" " when is your birthday" "the day I was born" "I guess you can't come with us if you don't tell me nothing" "ok OK I'm 5 but I'm tall for my age I see where I get it from(looks up and down) my birthday is March 14." "o that's nice" then the door started to jiggle (jiggle jiggle jiggle) so I go in a closest. Then a woman and Lucas came into view. "Lucas when can I take my baby daddy and future husband and soul mate home" "in a few I have to kill Laurent first after I rape him " "yeah whatever" .then I came out closet (he up in the closet) and said like hell you will and shoot both of them in the head. The little girl I never did get her name came into view. "thank you uncle Laurent" "how do you know my name" "my dad always talked about you" "oh well what's your name" my name is Lilo" well let me pick up Larry so we can get out of here and go to the hospital. " "ok".
At the hospital
Well after me and Lilo took Larry to the hospital, this lady came out of no where and asked are we Les Twins and I said yeah "well I'm Missy Elliot and I want you guys to dance in my next video" "really that's amazing of course we would love to" "OK then by the way why are you at the hospital anyway" "Larry's hurt" "awe well I don't want to get up all in y'all business so ima just leave here is my number call me when you are ready OK " "OK thanks again".
The nurse came out and asked for the Bourgeois family, me and Lilo stood up and said "Larry is doing fine, the treatments but he did have a torn rectum and bruises everywhere he is awake now so you can go see him" "OK thank you what room" "126"(see what I did there) "OK thank you again" so me and Lilo walked to the room and there was Larry smiling watching Spongebob I swear he can be a kid.

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