Chapter 2

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Wolfram is on the boat now with the crew of the king's ship. It was a little bit scary for him but he made friends.

At least he thinks so

He didn't look back when he rode the horse back then when they had a conversation with Conrad, because he knows it's the best for him and Yuri's feelings.

"I hope Yuri would not find out because if he finds out that I'm not at the palace he will really get angry," Wolfram told himself while walking around slowly.

When Wolfram's thinking about Yuuri, he did not notice an abrupt attack from the back. It was a sharp knife pointed at him by his comrade ."What the? What are you-"

"Just doing my job, Sir Wolfram! ha, ha, ha", the man laughed in an evil way.

"You are going to regret it all you fool", Wolfram raised his hands and was ready to fire at the enemy, but suddenly...

"what the? why can't I use my fire element? " Wolfram looked shocked.

"Ohhh.. what a baby. You really can't use your magic when you are inside of place full of anti-magic. Stupid!!!" He narrowed his eyes then smiled.

"You fool! Stop this right now!!!" Wolfram tried to scare him with just words, but it didn't work.

"Ohh... Is that so? Guys let us teach Sir Wolfram to be good"

" Our pleasure! Ha. Ha. Ha. Come here, little girl!" They walked towards Wolfram with their eyes lusting for pleasures.

"Huh?! No power or power, I can still fight you all"

even though he can't. 

" Is that so?" 

The man slapped Wolfram 

"So little girl would you cry for us HA.HA.HA", they slapped Wolfram and poured wine over his body. He was a mess.

"You stupid, ugly...old people!"

 The men slapped Wolfram with their belt 

" Let me go!!!!!! Yuriiii!!!!!!" he shouted.

Wolfram always thought that Yuuri will save him at any time if he calls his name, but in this scenery, no Yurii was found. 

The tall man with a white hear was holding a jar full of pills. He picked one pill and put it inside the glass that is filled with alcohol. 

"Here's for you little girl" he gave the glass to Wolfram.

"I don't want to drink that!" 

"Then, here comes the airplane baby girl." The tall man forced Wolfram's mouth to open so that he could drink the pills. While the other men were holding Wolfram's body. 

"Ahhhhhhhhh... I can take it no more. I might end up dying here."

"Shut up and drink" 

The tall man succeeded in his plan. Wolfram drinks the alcohol with an anonymous pill.


Wolfram fells asleep within just a few seconds. The crew tied him up and locked him at the captain's room. 

An hour later.

Wolfram woke up from his sleep. He saw himself outside his room. He was confused about why the men put him outside. Wolfram was looking around for a watch out, but nobody's around. So he decided to look for ways to let himself free. He tried untying the rope that was holding both of his hands. He succeeded to untie the ropes of his hands, then the next one will be his feet. He successfully untied it too, now Wolfram decided to think about a plan of getting out of the ship. As he roams around his eyes he saw a plank. Wolfram decided to run towards the plank and...

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