Chapter 14

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They alighted from the ship. They arrived at exactly 5 Am. They didn't go to the castle. They stayed at an inn. They asked and find clues on where about Wolfram is. They traced every possibility on where he is. Every angle was studied very well. They did everything they got. They even interviewed everyone that knows him. "I think this is it. I think the last person that we need to interview. Elizabeth, the woman that thought Wolfram was about to marry him." He said. "Then let's ask her if she knows anything about this." He answered. They know that it will be hard to talk to her especially she is wolfram's assumed fiancée.  But love conquers all. "Then so be it." Said, Yuri. Yuri realizes how harsh he has been toward Conrad. So he did what he did. He asked for forgiveness. Conrad was shocked and was speechless. All he did was smiled and returned to what about he is doing. Yuri started to plan on where his troops are going to find Wolfram. It was the first time for him to be so nervous about it. Every seconds, minutes, hours and day that will come counts. He was so trembling, but he controlled himself about it. If he was like that all day how could he found his beloved friend, Wolfram?

Later on, 2 days came by, Elizabeth arrived at the inn. Yuri was astonished on what he saw. She was wearing a white dress that sparks at dark and it was covered with white water lily design. She even wore pearls around her neck and wrist. She brought a beautiful umbrella that fitted her dress. She was so beautiful. Like an angel a maiden that has never been touch by the hands of a man. While he looked at Elizabeth he felt himself at peace. He wasn't trembling anymore like before. "So you were looking for me?" She said. Yuri can't take his eyes off her and he was really speechless. "Hey, are you human? Hey!!!" She shouted in front of Yuri. "I...I'm sorry! I just want to ask you... about... Wolfram." Yuri was again nervous when he remembered Wolfram. "What happened to him!" She shouted. "Well, it's a long story. He is out of touch. We just want to ask you if you knew where he might be." He replied. "You are his fiancé and you don't know where he is?" She asked. Yuri shrugged and looked down. "Yes, you're right I don't know. I don't know how this happened. I don't know why he left me. I don't know why he did this. I just don't know. I already thought about this a lot. I know it's my fault. It's actually obvious. I rejected him. Were not in a relationship anymore. I just see him as a friend. Every time I think about him. I always want to turn back the time and never ended our relationship. If I can do that he should be at my side. I miss him shouting at me calling me a wimp, stupid and any abrupt words he that came out from his mouth. I miss his care. Mostly his smile. I love the way he smiled at me. I love everything about him, but not in a way that he wants. He wanted more than just a friend, but I can't give him that. I just can't be his lover. It's really not good." Yuri can't accept the fact that he loves him more than friends, but he was so scared to say it to Wolfram. "Yeah, me too I love him, but he loves you more. So I let go of him. That's what love is. You need to let go if you truly love that person." She knows that Wolfram really loves him so much. Mostly she knows that If Wolfram would be choosing over her and Yuri, he would definitely choose him. He loves him so much that he would die for him. What Elizabeth sees.

"Uhm... so you want tea or something?" Yuri was so speechless about what Elizabeth said. So he just changed the topic. What can he say? He can't even say what he really felt about Wolfram. So why bother answering? "Tea. Green tea." She said. "Oh, I'll brew you." Answered Yuri. Yuri brewed a cup of green tea for Elizabeth the kitchen's, inn. "Here I hope you'll like it." He smiled while he accumulates the tea. " Yuri, I'm done I accumulated already the papers. Oh, hello there." Said Murata. "Hello." Answered Elizabeth. "Oh, thank you very much. I'm really, really thankful." He smiled. " so how many islands or land that will be searched?" Asked Yuri.

The world that Yuri is leaving right now is a world really different from theirs. It would really be hard to find someone, especially when you don't know the possibilities of where they would be. It was a little bit the same as earth. It has land and water and it is really wider and bigger than the earth. The world that he is in now is 70% of it is land and 30% water. They can just make water using their powers. That's why the land is bigger than it. The world or the demon's world has floors. On floors, I mean stages. There are 3 stages. Crust, mantle, and core. Right now they are at the top of the world, crust. At the mantle, it's really hot. It's hard to breathe there. So the people living there are people who use the fire element. The core uses dark magic. They use forbidden magic. But it's their way of living. They can't live without using dark magic. Dark magic is their only way to survive the painful atmosphere. If you were a good sorcerer you can make another land on the core. A land that is abundant with animals, fruits, and vegetables. You will be respected and feared by all. No one can do that kind of magic if they didn't sell their soul to the devil.

"The number of the possible land is 9. The number of people who reported saved a person or people 10. The number of people who are suspected (if Wolfram is not found) 1. The number of days that will be taken at least we could say, a year." Yuri was very shocked by what Murata said. "A year?! That would take 366 days. But it's for Wolfram. Then let's start looking for him. One by one." Yuri stood up and was about to walk but Elizabeth holds his wrist. "What is it Elizabeth?" He asked. " are you not going to interview me or something?" She looked at Yuri. "Oh, forget about it. I need to search for him now. Instead of sitting down here. I will use my hands and feet to search for him." He answered bluntly. "Then I'll come!" She replied. "No, you can just go back to your home." He tried to remove Elizabeth's hand, but she keeps on insisting. "Even if I wasn't the one he chose, as a childhood friend I'll help you look for him" she stood up and told Yuri about it. "Then let's go!" Yuri smiled at Elizabeth. Elizabeth was so happy. She blushed a little.

They bought p and packed their things up. And now they are ready to go to the first place they are going to search Wolfram. Ethalia, the first land that they will search. Ethalia is found at the east of the crust. It's really famous for its wine. Ethalia was the first kingdom that they would think because it is near the Big Cimmaron. 

They rode the ship and ready to go for another journey.

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