Chapter 6

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Wolfram's Prov.

"You are a... VA-a-vampire!!" He was going to run, but suddenly he remembered that he is holding his wrist.

"Let go of me, please! Please let go! I don't want to die!!! Yuuri!!" He started crying, but he suddenly remembered Yuuri is not with him right now. The beautiful man hugged him and said

"Stop crying it makes me sad. I just want to keep you alive from the pain that you are holding right now."

'' What do you mean by that?" he patted Wolfram while his other hand is hugging him tightly. His hands were so firm and he smelled so good and his odor reminds him of Wolfram. He can't stop it anymore, he cried. He knows that whatever he does he can't get out of the hands of the man. He turned his body and cried as much as he can.

Later on, when he was done crying he looked at the man and looked the man in his eyes. He is soft, warm, but some part of him felt like it was cold. "Are you ok?'' he is smiled at him but it didn't feel real because of his cold hands.

"I'm ok, thank you and sorry for crying", he smiled. Wolfram's heart started to B-THUMP, B-THUMP, B-THUMP.

"I'm Yuruku, the owner of this house. I'm sorry if I chained you. I was just scared that you will leave me. I'm just lonely, but don't worry I'm not gonna kill you or do something to you. I just want a friend," he answered in a concerned face.

"It's alright I'm not angry. Thank you, for saving me." Wolfram smiled.

" Why were you at the beach all alone?", he asked in a gentle way.

" I...," started to cry again.

"If you don't want to answer it's fine."

"I jumped from the ship that I was ridding," Wolfram wipes his tears using his hands. It was understandable that he doesn't want to talk about Yuuri, but he just can't stop his self to speak about it.

"I am in love with someone that who can never be mine that is why I rode a ship to get away from him, because I already know that it will hurt again and again," I told him.

"Don't worry I'm here. I will forever be here... until I die," he whispered in a seductive way.

KYO KARA MAOH (YUURAM)Where stories live. Discover now