mr. styles (harry styles teacher/student fanfic)

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note:hiiii, so this is my first story, feedback would be great:) oh, obviously he's not famous in this. I'll try to update at least once a week, ENJOY :D

Summer's POV 

The first day of term and I woke up late again as usual, and slumped into the shower to begin my long preparations for school. After a 20 minute shower i wrapped myself in a towel and sat at my dresser, i brushed through my hair, blow dryed and straightened it, by the time i was finished my long blonde hair reached half way down my back. Next up, make up. i don't wear much foundation since I'm quite tanned but i love to wear lots of eye make up and some blusher and lip gloss too. i get in trouble at school for it a lot but who cares, looking good is far more important. finally i grabbed my uniform from the walk in closet. a white shirt and tie a black blazer and pleated skirt and just my black toms. i also put on the gold bracelet my dad brought me, i don't go anywhere without it, its special since he works so much i bearly get to see him. i slid my phone into my blazer pocket before swinging my bag onto my shoulder and heading to my range rover to pick up my friend Tasher before school. I know this sounds vain but we'r the most popular girls in school, and the richest. both our dads are business men so are away from home alot. Tasha has her mum but mine died when i was just 2 in a car accident. i miss her but i never really knew her.

(at school) 

" only 10 minutes late, better than usual" Tasha smirked as we made our way into homeroom and took our seats at the back. it would hardly matter, mr.Walker is so old and delusional id be surprised if he even managed to take register. "ppst, Summer" i tuned round to see Kylie another girl in our popular group. " have you heard about the new science teacher?" she whispered. "no, what?" "apparently he's a hottie" "mr.styles, and he's British!" she continued. just then mr.walker dropped our timetables on the desk. we each inspected our own, before checking which of each others classes we'r in. "do you have him, the fit one?" Kylie questioned. "umm, yer!" i reply quite happy to know theres at least one reason to go to science class. "not fair, i don't" Her and Tasher say in unison. A few minutes later the bell rang and we headed to first period. The day passed in a boring blur of Shakespeare, algebra and the weather cycle until there was only one lesson left. science. All day id heard about the 'fit' mr.styles and was secretly quite exited to see of it was true. Even though Kylie and Tasha weren't in this class thankfully Bren was, we'v always had a bit of a thing for each other, but never really more then flirted. He's on the football team and is really popular, infact every girl in the school is after him. As usual i was running a little late as i stopped off to reapply my lip gloss in the girls toilets, only a few minutes tho. I walked into the class room, and saw who i assumed to be mr.styles at the front of the class. WOW. He is fit! and young too, dark curly hair, dimples and you can see he's muscles slightly through he's white shirt. ok I'm staring now. i was soon brought out of my thoughts by a deep voice "nice of you to join is miss" "oh, um, yer, sorry" i mumble and start to make my way to my seat next to Bren. "did you mean sorry mr.styles?" i hear him say. "what?" i ask not really understanding, he just repeated himself but louder. "SORRY. MR. STYLES" i say with an over exaggerated fake smile. with that he just scowled a little before continuing the lesson. this guy might be hot but he seems like a dick. "well he seems nice" i whisper sarcastically to Bren who just laughs.  

For what seemed like hours he droned on about the periodic table. I couldn't even whisper to Bren as every time we did he turned from the board and glared at us. even though i must admit he's kind of sexy when he glares. eventually i got so bored i slipped my phone out from my pocket and under the desk. First i read through my texts, most of them were boring apart from an invite to a party on friday and one from Kylie:" hey, hows doing?;)xxxx" i rolled my eyes and replied:" uugh, he's abit of a dick, and I'm not on he's good side so far:/xxxx" It wasn't long before i got a reply:" oooh is mr.sexystyles gonna spank you hard over the desk?;)xxxx" i giggled slightly when suddenly i felt my phone being ripped from my grasp. i look up and see an angry mr.styles holding my phone " what do you think your doing with this in my lesson young lady?" he demanded before he's gaze switched to the screen. i felt my cheeks going bright red as he's green eyes scanned the message. This cannot be happening, i just sat there too embarrassed to talk! He's face only got angrier as he read, he's eyes got darker too. "see me at the end of class" he spoke through gritted teeth and with that he walked back to the front of the room with my phone still in he's hand. The rest of the lesson passed by way too quickly, i was dreading what mr.styles was going to say.  


the bell went signaling the end of the lesson. Everyone sighed with relief and hurried out as quickly as they could, Bren wished me luck before leaving too. i dawdled slowly to mr.styles desk at the front of the room, while he sat there just staring blankly at me. "well..." i didn't respond "MISS PARKER, WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXPLAIN THE MESSAGES ON YOUR PHONE?" he shouted, which took me by surprise. ", it wasnt me who sent them" is all i could think to respond with. he raised an eyebrow at me and just stared for a moment. "is that all you have to say for yourself?" normally by now id be shouting back in the teachers face but something about mr.styles stopped me, he was a little intimidating, particularly when angry. all i could do was mumble a sorry and stare at the ground. He's face softened slightly "take your phone, you can go now but you'v got detention after school tomorrow for inappropriate texting in class" he says, i don't even bother to argue instead i just nod and walk as fast as i can to get out of there. "and summer" he adds, i turned round to look at him " sorry to disappoint you but this detention wont involve a spanking over the desk" he smirked. my cheeks went bright red yet again and i just hurried out the room.  

I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow!u

N/A: sorry if this was boring, i wanted to get to the bit with harry in but also give some background info. also I'm writing this on my phone. anyway hopefully the next chapter will be better, and thanks for reading:)xxx

mr. styles (harry styles teacher/student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now