adopted-chapter 22

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I grabbed whipped cream, Niall got permanent markers and we made our way to the boys. Niall and I worked professionally on Liam and Harry, leaving Liam with a whipped cream outline of a 'man part' (a dick, whatever), and a moustache. we wrote out names and different other things all over his right arm. For Harry we drew glasses and a scar making him like a curly Harry potter and did a big unicorn on his stomach, because that's just how manly Harry is. Niall let me take charge in what we would do to Lou and I had the perfect idea. We wrote things like 'I <3 em&niall' all over him and whip creamed his hair, the I got the shaver (idk what they're called) and shaved 'E&N' into his leg hair. Last of all we signed their faces making sure they know what happened.

We got pots from the cupboard and clanged them together, waking everyone up. They took one look at each other and burst out laughing. It took a minute before they realized that they must have something on themselves as well. It was a race to the bathroom and first to see was liam.

"NIALL! how could you let em write this on my arm! And this!" He said wiping his whip cream dick half off his face "is so immature!" He said and we were laughing the whole way through his mini lecture.

Next to notice was harry, who was a bit mad at first but now it's funny to him as well.

"I'm loving my new belly. I should get it permanent ey? Unicorns suit me. I can unicorn potter!"

Last was Lou. He was looking from his leg to his arms to everywhere we had drawn

"I wish you woke me up! We could have done something better and I wouldn't be a victim! Good thing I love you because anyone else shaving their initials into my leg would be dead meat!" He said and Niall and I were almost peeing ourselves laughing. They hadn't realized one major detail .

"WAIT! guys...this is permanent marker! PERMANENT!" Whoo. There it is!

They frantically tried to wash off the marker but no use. It really was permanent except for a bit of smudging, making it worse. Hope they like their new look, it might be there a while.

okay i this is short and probably shit as it is a filler, (excuse language) and i havent updated in a while.

BUT i did write another chapter so i will upload that as wellll

stay strong my lovelies! xo


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