after we had been on the bus for a while-im not quite sure exactly how long-i realised kelley had never called last night. it hadn't occurred to me this morning, with all the hurry and running around. zayn asleep next to me, his head on my lap and legs bent against the window/wall of the bus. harry, liam niall were further up the front, being louder than everyone else, and lou was in front of me and zayn, his headphones in and legs across the rest of the seat.
i reached my phone from my pocket, careful not to disturb zayn as i did so. i pressed on kelley's number and typed in a message.
'you didn't call last night. is everything ok? will you call tonight?-emilie.'
i almost immediately got a reply.
'i was jut about to text you. everything is fine, i just got busy. i'll call tonight, promise.-kelley'
'you haven't told anyone have you?'
'no. not yet.' i responded carefully, hoping she would get the hint that i might tell someone.
'okay.' was all she sent back, so i just turned off my phone.
lou came over to the other side of me (they were big seats ok) and handed me an earphone. i smiled and took it, but dropped it before i put it in my ear.
"wait" i said. my heat beating faster. or not at all..right?
"lou can i tell you something?"
"i'm guessing it's that 'something' hypothetical question topic from yesterday, am i right?"
i nodded. "the thing is..they can't know. i can't tell them, not yet at least"
"why don't i take you out for dinner, or make them go out can tell me then? that way it's just us yeah?"
i nodded again. "that would be nice"
i took the earphone back and put it in.
"finally here" lou (teasdale) said, as i threw an apple core in the bin.
"they're all asleep" i laughed, looking over to the boys sprawled out over the bus seats.
thankfully, the bus had wifi, so i had been on it almost the whole time. i wasn't tired at all, which was probably a good thing.
"i am not waking them up again" i told lou as we walked up to the front of the bus.
"well i don't want to. paul can" she said and laughed. luckily, our hotel was a 2 minute walk from macdonalds, so lou and i are going to go straight after we claim beds and whatever else.
i dragged my bag from the bus and went with lou to the elevator. before the doors closed, we could see liam coming first out of the bus, squinting in the bright sun.
we walked down the streets, looking for a good place to eat, niall and liam running/walking to subway.
"me and em will go to somewhere that's not here" lou said, while niall was opening the door.
"why?" harry asked, frowning slightly.
"well one, we both don't like this shit, and two, you're all weirdos" lou said, his arm draped around my shoulders and i laughed.
"whatever" liam poked his tongue out, but we barely saw, as we were already walking back down the street to macdonalds..which was soo much better.
we walked in and went up to the counter.
"what do you want?" lou asked me.
"ehh, fries? i don't know, i'm not that hungry" i said and he nodded, surprisingly without argument. lou got the same for himself and we stepped back to wait.
he started to braid my hair back as we stood there, and i could feel him making knots.
"do you know how to braid lou?" i asked him and he laughed.
"i have no idea"
"if you knot my hair up i will get revenge"
"don't worry, i'm the best at un knotting things"
"you'd better hope so, tommo"
"TWO FRIES" the man called from the counted and lou ran to let it. my hand flew to the back on my head. my hair was all tangled together, but besides that it seemed to be fine.
"lou" a grumbled as he came over. i pulled hair from other hair as we walked over to a booth at the back.
"you're lucky i could get that out" i told him, brushing the back so it fell flat down my back.
he laughed and sat down. "okay." he said, acting like we were at a job interview.
i rolled my eyes, chewing on a fry. as soon as i swallowed it though, i felt sick. i went over to sit next to lou, instead of across from him.
"there's no way to say this easily, or sugar coat it, whatever. i still have an eating disorder thing. i haven't been getting better. at all." i said and looked at my chipping nail polish.
"what do you mean?"
"i don't know how to explain it well. my body refuses to take food normally. it rejects it and gets it out of my body quickly as it can. i can eat however much i want, but it doesn't..stay in me" i explained, thankfully, tear free.
lou didn't say anything, just hugged me tightly. i wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.
"is that why you went to the hospital with zayn and el?"
"how did you know about that?"
he shook, i'm guessing from laughter. "well i guessed. don't worry the other boys completely over looked it, but i'm just that good"
i smiled. "i have been taking medicine. the nurse said it should work. el is bringing more down tomorrow, and once im done with that, if i'm still not better, i don't know"
"but it's working though? the medicine? because i will not stop until you g-"
"no. no, don't say that. be postitive, yeah? i think it's working. i've stopped puking almost every night" i explained and he nodded.
he cupped the side of my face with his hand "you're going to get better, okay? i promise. i won't let you live this nightmare. i can't," he said and i smiled.
"i know."
"so me, el and zayn are the only people who know about this?"
"yeah. i know it's bad, keeping secrets, but i just couldn't tell them. el only knew because she wanted me at the exact time i was at the hospital so she kind of had to, and zayn was sick and the only one home when i puked, and then told, yeah," i explained.
"well at least i know before niall," lou joked and i laughed.
the fries we had gotten were now cold, and even more inedible than they were before, so we just got up, lou carrying me, and left to subway to find the other boys. luckily, they were already walking out and me us half way.
"did you have fun?" niall asked, sarcastically, but smiling.
"loads. what about you little leprechaun?"
"more than you!" he said, poking his tongue out.
i just hid my face in lou's neck, while we walked back to the hotel. i must have been completely lost in my own little world, because we were back at the hotel before i even realized.
"shouldn't you be out meeting fans or something?" i asked zayn when we were back in the hotel room.
"yeah, tomorrow," he laughed and i nodded.
"good thing el gets here tomorrow then. and lou can get my hair..better," i said, referring to the blonde starting to come through, and the dry ends.
"you're worse than zayn!" harry yelled, causing zayn to throw a pillow that hit him right on the head.
"stop! stop," i said, hurrying to take the pillow from harry's hands.
"you're going to break something, and knowing you boys, it will be a very expensive something" i said, throwing the pillow back on the couch, on the opposite side zayn was sitting.
once the boys had calmed down and were watching TV (i know, i sound like their mum) i went onto Twitter to stalk people(because that's what you do on twitter..right?). i took a photo of the boys laying all over each other on the couch and posted it.
'@NiallOfficial @Real_Liam_Payne @Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson @ZaynMalik1D lazy bums! xox.'
none of them noticed though, for once they were all interested in the television. i was sitting on the floor against the wall next to the television charging my phone; somehow it always seems to be flat. i decided to text el, because i had run out of things to do and well, the obvious reason, i miss her.
to: ELEANOR <3
hi! i can't wait until you get here tomorrow! omg.
thankfully, she replied almost immediately.
me too! i will get there early your time! can't wait to see you again..and the boys(:
the starbucks is so good here, and the food is like twice the size as at home. we need to SHOP!
definitely. i got your medicine today.
ok. what are you doing?
from: packing. sorry em, gotta go otherwise i won't finish this! love you x.
to: ok. have fun! love you x.
"EM!" lou almost screamed, causing me to jump.
"oh my god louis," i said loudly, clutching my racing heart "what!"
"whatcha doing?" he said innocently.
"having a heart attack because of you"
he rolled his eyes, and i stood up. "i am going to bed," i announced.
i hugged all the boys as i went along the couch. lou, even through less than 5 minutes ago he was being a prick, he still mouthed 'are you ok?' as i pulled away from the hug. i nodded, and walked to my room. harry and liam were first to get in and share my room, seeing as 'they were left out last time'. after that lou pouted for about half an hour because he didnt get a room with me. to be honest, it made he feel..warm and fluffy? that feeling where you know that people really care about you and you feel all fluffy and happy inside.
i heard niall's irish accent say that he was going to bed as well, and then followed by zayn. my room was still people free; for now at least, and i'm certainly not complaining. i showered quickly, not washing my hair(i washed it the other morning) and got changed into pajama shorts and an old grey t-shirt that i'm pretty sure was only packed because it was screwed up inside a dress.
my phone was still on vibrate from the previous night, i slid it under my pillow screen up. there was a balcony at the window in this hotel as well, and i was in the room closest to it, so i could easily sneak out when kelley called; if she does actually call tonight.

adopted by one direction.
FanficCOMPLETED . emilie's life is hell. she's been abused and thrown around like she's nothing. but when the famous boyband one direction adopts her, emilie's life changes in the best way possible...