13. Carry on my wayward son

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I woke up a few hours later in so much pain. I looked around and, once again, saw that I had bags of blood
attached to me. There were also sigils placed all around the room so I couldn't leave. My head felt as if long spikes were stabbing into it. Well...there were metal rods poking into my head.

"Good morning sunshine. Nothing like a bath in Holy Fire to near-kill an archangel. No worries you are still that. Two graces and now the mixed blood of Lucifer and myself . You are such a prize to have."

I swore and fought my bonds.

"Your friends are all gone, I sent them back to their homes with some shady memories. You sent Castiel away, so thanks for that. Your daughter still has no soul. So it's just you and me. Oh what fun we shall have. Eh?"

"I am going to kill you." I grunted as I tried to heat my skin to burn the wet ropes.

"Ah. Ah. Aahh. I wouldn't do that. Those ropes are drenched with Holy oil." He chuckled as I swore.
"I'll let you go after I have done everything to make you...or break you. Whichever comes first. I am going to try and understand how you work." He raised a large vial of black blood. "This is a mix of every monster in creation. Vampire, werewolf, angel, demon, multiple gods, wendigo, etcetera. If you don't comply it will be injected straight into the girl. Kapish?"

"Understood. I'll do whatever, just give her back to me unharmed."


All of a sudden the pain stopped. His carving into my flesh and injecting different bloods into me ceased. I was no longer bound. In fact I wasn't even in the dungeon. I was in a dark, dense forest. It was peaceful, cool I took a deep breath and got up. I was wearing a black overcoat, a blue blouse, and black slacks. I was barefoot on the cool grass.

A twig snapped and I drew my blade. This creature attacked me.

"The Archangel of Time is dead! She has joined us!" He yelled as we fought. I beheaded him and black goop replaced blood on my blade.

"Where am I?" I wondered aloud.

"Your in purgatory." An angel jumped from the tree above my head. He had brown hair and fuzzy chubby cheeks.

"I'm Gabriel. Was it the halo patrol or the sulfur smokers?"He stuck his hand out.

"Crowley." I shook his hand. "So I'm dead? I don't feel dead."

"Well welcome to death. There are some people that you will want to meet." We walked through the woods in silence for a good hour before we came to a large clearing with several people in it.

"Gallel, Hailey, Isaac. She is here."

Two angels walked up from the group. A small, dirty, child ran into my arms.
"Mommy! You come fow me!"
"Oh." I started to cry as I held my dead child.
"What happened sweetheart? What did they do to you?"
"The Angel took my soul, and the demon killed me. I woke up here. There are monsters here momma!"

"Hello, I am Gallel, Hailey's father. Thank you for trying, and for loving her." I nodded as the darker angel spoke.

"I am Issac. I protected your family as you grew. I must say that I am disappointed. You didn't last long. I hope you do better in here."

"Yes sir." I couldn't remember much of my death, just that I had heard my doctor one last time before the pain ended.


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