12. Family Ties.

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I arrived back at the towers and was swarmed by angry heroes.

"What the heck were you thinking?"
"Are you ok?"
"We have been waiting for 5 hours."
"Why did you send us?"

I stood still, like a living statue as they stared at me.

"Honey, are you allright? I'm sorry, we were just a bit upset that you sent us away without warning then you don't come back for hours. What happened?"

"I became an archangel. I am now more powerful than almost anything. Demons, other angels, gods, monsters, Leviathan..whatever those are, more powerful than Raphael ever was, more powerful than , or Michael, or Gabriel, even Lucifer..."

"Hold up. Lucifer. The Devil. The angel of light that fought against God and fell from heaven taking angels with him. Your more powerful than the King of Hell?"

"You called?" Crowley ducked as my blade stuck in the wall behind his head. "Tut, tut. Bursts of anger like that might get someone killed."

"You are the only one getting killed."

"Oh come on sweetheart. Kill the King of Hell for an empty human child."

He nodded and a second demon raised a syringe. I flapped a wing and the demon was knocked across the floor and through the broken window.

I smiled and let my wings be shadowed on the wall.

"Eight....no angel has eight wings...not even... you killed an archangel and took his grace."


"Holy mother of sin...." He looked scared now.

"So will you give me my daughter, or do I have to kill you?"

"Well, the Nephilim, half angel half human, are extremely rare creatures. Their blood alone makes several spells possible. No telling what her heart could do. Oh yes, I lied she isn't human."

"You give me my daughter or I snap you straight to purgatory!"

"She isn't even yours. Your 'kin' Gallel made her. He was killed for it, because humans and creatures aren't meant to be together. You are the results, daughter of mine." He grinned as my jaw dropped.

I narrowed my eyes and a devil's trap burned on the carpet under his feet, Tony whimpered a little.


"What do I need to explain? Hello Crowley, she is going to kill you soon." He gave the demon a curt nod.

"You possess my mom why exactly?"

"I told you urgent buisiness." He looked away somewhat ashamed.

"CASS. Don't. Lie. To me. Why did you make my mom a vessel? You knew she was pregnant. Even if 'it' had just happened you could tell. You knew what that would do to the baby. To me. So why?" I was afraid of the answer. So very afraid.

"Because I was told that a powerful crossroads demon was trying to make a cambion. We thought that it would cancel if an angel possessed the mother...it didn't."

"And Mr. Trenchcoat got the short stick on becoming 'mommy'. Congrats sweetheart, your supernatural parents are the Reject of Heaven and the King of Hell."

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