A new order

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"Well, it's not like they can do anything about it. They only just fell! Surely they are still mourning their wings.... no offense."

"They will follow you. Cling to your every word."

Sherlock stirred.

"Allright let's worry about this later. I have a prophet to inform."

Sherlock's head rolled and he opened his eyes. His dark curls were toussled and a bruise was forming on his left cheekbone.

"What did you do to me?" He muttered.

"You are now my prophet. Congratulations."

He groaned and clutched at his head.

"This is all impossible!"
"Try to read the tablet."

He raised the tablet and read.
"'The Archangel Reanna Yom', oh my... How?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that now you Mr.Detective, have to be protected."

"Protected from what?"
"Demons, Angels, anyone who knows about you." I pressed my Palm on his chest. He cringed and would've doubled over if I hadn't held him up.

"What the hell did you do?" He started unbuttoning the purple shirt.

"I gave you protection."
He pulled the shirt open to reveal a pentagram scar made up of a few phrases in Latin and enochian.

"No angels or demons can find you."
"What about you?"
"I am the exception. I know everything about you at all times."

"You sound like my brother." He noted as he nimbly rebuttoned the shirt.

"If a prophet is in danged, their archangel must protect them. No matter where they are."

I made the Tardis start flying.

"Where are we going?" John asked.
"Don't know yet."
"Can't we go home?"
"Every angel will be looking for Riley, they will endanger Sherlock to find her."

"But that's not fair. We didn't ask for this."
"You think I asked for this?" I said, fluttering a few wings...I can take you home, John."
"Not without Sherlock. You can't just take him."

I rolled my eyes and set the Tardis to take us to Baker St.

"Thank you." John said before I touched his head and made him sleep.

"What are you doing?"
"Giving him false memories about Jim Moriarty, I am also giving associating these memories to everyone you know."

"Why?" His friend looked at me as if I was a puzzling case.
"Because, Sherlock, you are going to die. I want you to have a good story."

"Who says I'm dying?"
"I did. Now here's what were going to do."

Hi guys sorry it's late and extremely short. I have had a serious case of writers block and have had to balance church, school, band, and work with writing.

(just be glad you aren't reading one of my mistreated fanfics...if you are sorry, so so sorry I'm working on them)


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