Meteor shower

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Right before 7 o'clock I was sitting on the stairs in the consol reading a stray book. The Doctor came in.

"Now your absolutely sure you want to do this? I mean, it's not too late to back out." I gave him a glare.

"You did not just use almost three hours on my hair for me not to go out." He had messed up and burnt my hair a few times, so we had to straighten it and start over.

He strolled over to the monitor and looked outside. John was outside with an orange carnation, he was looking around confused as to whether he should knock on the blue doors or not.

He checked his watch and knocked.
His blond head shook as he turned around, probably thinking how crazy he looked.

"See you later!" I said before slipping out of the box.

"Hey!" I said as I tapped his shoulder. He was about my height.
"Didn't think I was gonna show?"

"No I was thinking, why is she in a blue police box?" He looked at the box.

"Just a last minute make up check." I lied. "So, where we goin'?"

"I was thinking a picnic in Trafalgar Square, then maybe see what's playing in the cinema?" He seemed to ask for approval.

"Sounds like a plan." He hailed a taxi and we got in.

"So tell me more about yourself?" He asked.

"Well I was engaged and had an adopted daughter, but that life is long gone."
"Oh...what happened?" He sounded a bit worried.
"An accident. Hailey and I were on vacation, our small boat sank, I was in a coma for a few months and Hay was gone. When I woke up, he had moved on. I moved back in with my dad." I can proudly say I lie only about details.

"Oh, what do you do for a living?" He asked.
"My turn to ask. What do you do?" I turned his question around on him.

"I run a blog. My flatmate and friend is a consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes. He solves the cases, I write about them. I was injured in Afghanistan, so I get soldier's pension. Now what do you do?"

At that moment the cab stopped. I hopped out and John clambered after.

"I travel with We go all around the world." I said.

He led me to an Italian restaurant where he ordered 'The Picnic' and was given a cliché red checkered blanket.

He spread it out under a large oak tree that oversaw most of london.

"This good?" He asked. I nodded and sat down looking at the view.

"They will bring the food to us. So...your turn." He sat beside me and awaited my question.

"What did you do in the war? If you don't mind my asking." I put a hand up to show that I meant nothing by it.

"Not at all. I was an army doctor. Where did you grow up?" He asked. I smiled at the irony of knowing two war Doctors.

"The United States, a small town in Oklahoma...Dad's Scottish, mom's American. What about you?"

We continued this until our food arrived.

I munched on a breadstick, ignoring the molecules, while he told me of his adventures with Sherlock Holmes.
Another tidal wave on the radio slammed into my head, I must have winced.

"What's wrong? Is it my story?" He was concerned.

" I just have a headache. Sorry."
"No no no, it's ok. You want to cut this short?"
"No. I'll be ok I have some medicine in my purse." I rummaged through it and found the bottle, it contained the strongest Lortab that is made instead of Tylenol. I took two. They didn't effect me at all, I might as well take a sugar pill. I feigned a smile and ate some pasta.

I started telling stories about the Doctor and my life on Asguard, leaving out the space and time travel and angels and demons.

All of a sudden my head almost exploded. I curled up into a ball as the shop windows shattered. I looked at John, who was also clutching his ears.

"Look at the meteors!" I read his lips and followed his gaze. Those weren't meteors falling to earth. About three dozen angels were falling through the sky. I could see their wings burning, I heard their shrieks of pain. I let silver tears fall.

John was shaking me.

"You allright?" He saw my face and his became very worried.

" No." I said right before an angel fell right on top of me. Of course all John saw was a ball of fire that extinguished itself on me. I crumpled and blacked out.

I woke up on a couch in a room that smelled of chemicals, cologne, and very faint tobacco. I sat up and saw a wall with a yellow smiley face spray painted on it.

"John, why don't you just take her to a hospital?" Said a cold monotone.

"I can't, she is...different." I heard one of them scoot the chair.

"She looks normal to me, just take her to a hospital."

"So what Sherlock? So they can disect her? She has two hearts." John hissed.

I looked down at my self. My skin is severily burnt, my dress burned through in some places, nothing broken.

"Oh look, she's awake." The voice I'm guessing is Sherlock's said. In a moment John was right in front of me looking bewildered.

"Are you ok?" He asked slowly.

"Yes. Or I will be at least."

"It could have just been my imagination, but it sounded like you have two hearts when I checked to see if you were alive."

"No." He sighed in relief. "It wasn't your imagination. I have two hearts."

"How? What?" I rolled my eyes as Sherlock took my right wrist. I winced as he took my pulse.

"What is the correct question. I'm not exactly human...."

"Well of course your human. What would you be if not human?" Sherlock scoffed, his dark curls bounced a bit as he plopped in his chair.

"Would you believe that I am an angel of the Lord?"

I got my acceptance letter today.

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