19. The boys are back.

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I walk up to the motel room where Sam was and knocked. I heard the cock of a gun behind the door as he answered.

"Who are you?"

"Riley. Back from the dead...well purgatory at least."

"No we burned your bones." The gun hammer clicked not of safety.

"And the twelfth Doctor gave my ashes a regeneration. May I come in? I won't hurt you. I want to get Dean and Castiel out of there now."

He opened the door all the way to reveal Dean Winchester laying on the bed asleep.

"You were saying?" He pulled the gun from behind and slammed the door.

"Dean? How did you get out?" I ask him after he startled awake.

"There was a portal that humans can exit through. We don't know how Cass got out." He grumbled then realized who I was. "Riley! How the hell are you out? Last of you we saw you changed to that and fell through that crack."

"Wait. THIS Is Riley. You umm...regenerated?" Sam's nostrils flared a little.

"Yes Moose. Pay attention. How long has it been for you?"

"Well a year in the woods and a couple months out. You?"

"117 years, and...one month, but I have only had this body for 27 hours." They stared at me.

"You didn't have any regenerations, how could you have regenerated?" Sam asked.

I caught them up on my lives. They looked shocked.

"So you pretty much cheated on your husband, with your husband." Dean smirked.

"Dean. Get your head out of the gutter. We lived together and as husband and wife, because technically we are, but we didn't do anything like what you are saying. "

"Meaning?" His thoughts were almost visible from his face.

"Ugh! Dean, I'm a virgin. Now get those thoughts out of your head."

"Wow. And how old are you?"

"142, that's still a kid in Timelord age."

"That should be a crime for someone so..." He looked me up and down.

"So what?"

"Have you seen yourself?" He asked jokingly.

"Umm, no. I haven't seen this face yet...been busy." I looked at the ground.

"Doing what?"

"Met God, Kicked Lucifer where is counts, got my own grace from God. Made sure that I became me."

"You met God!" Sam's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, he is really cool." I sat on the bed. The boys looked at eachother with smirks and picked me up.

"What are you doing?" They tossed me in the bathroom

"You need to meet yourself, take a nice hot shower." Dean shouted through the door.

"Oh boys you are in trouble- you took my screwdriver!"
I rolled my eyes at their laughter and looked at the redhead in the mirror.

Shoulder length dark red hair and blue-green eyes. Oval shape face and eyes. My eyebrows weren't too thick, I had a few freckles on my fair skin. I was fairly slim, but still had some nice curves. The ladies weren't overly plump to where they were in the way, but I wasn't flat either. All in all a very nice new body.

"Are you looking?"

"Dean Shut UP!"
"Dude. She is almost five times your age and able to kick your ass up ad down the street." Sam scoffed.

I turned the shower on complete hot and just sat on my knees with my eyes closed. Listening to everything, angel radio, the guys talking about a case, someone in New York singing some song from the twenties. When the water got cold I unfurled my wings and had them cover me like feathery umbrellas.

"Your new wings are lovely."

I sprang up and cover myself with my wings with a cry of surprise. Resoaking myself in the process.

" What are you doing in here? How long were you standing there?"

The boys broke the door in when they heard my shriek.

"Woah. Are you naked under those?" Sam covered Dean's face and looked away.

"Yeah, a bit." I situated my wings so that absolutely everything was covered.
"Should we go?"
"Yes Castiel!"

They walked out, Dean with protests of.
"It's not anything I haven't seen before many times."

I shook my wings dryish and dressed quickly. I furled them, but kept them out to dry completely.

"Ok boys I'm dressed."

"Cass, you weren't wrong about those wings." Sam commented.

I move one side to where I could see them. They were four different colors from top to bottom. White, silver, gold, and a royal purple.

"No other angel has multiple colors."

"No other angel has complete power while disconnected from heaven and inside a smaller form." Cass's face had an expression of shock and disbelief.


"God, apparently I'm his firstborn and his baby girl. So I got special treatment."

"Because time was actually created first the first archangel was time. Then light for Lucifer, who was thought to be the firstborn until she showed up."

"You remember that Cass? I barely recognized you in that vessel. And Time really contains all of creation with it, so...yeah..."

"So your pretty much God's favorite Archangel. You are also the only girl."

I tilted my head both ways.
"Eeeh. That's probably it... anyways now I have to go find my husband."

The boys exchanged a look.
"John went back to Asguard after your funeral. How will you get there?"

"Angel over all of Time and Space with no need to be connected to heaven. I can fly anywhere like Cass can on earth, but I have no limits. Can I have my screwdriver back?"

"This thing?" Dean held it above my head. I was three inches shorter than him, so I jumped on him and smothered him with my damp feathers. I snatched the sonic from his hand and let him go.

"Told you so Dean."
"Shut up Sammy."

"Bye boys, keep in touch. Don't die... again."

"We will do our best."

"Cass. Don't open any more portals."

"No worries. That won't happen again." He nodded a small bow to me.

I flew up out of the solar system. I hung there admiring it for a couple seconds, then soared to Asguard.

Burning Blood [Crybaby Creek sequel]Where stories live. Discover now