16. Finding a crack.

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I turned around to coral arches, a blond teen, and a skinny Timelord.

"What? Who are you? How did you get here?" The Doctor was surprised.

"Doctor! The wrong one, but oh well. Still is a madman in a blue box. I'm Riley. You don't know me yet." I Explained, hoping that he would just accept that.

"Riley? You've regenerated. You can't be here. Two of you could create a massive paradox."

"Two of me?" I thought aloud.

"Oi. Whats with the yelling?" A redhead said as she entered the consol room.

"Donna, we have a guest." Donna looked at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Riley Griffin." I straightened and turned to the three girls that had just entered.

"No I'm Riley." A girl with black hair and blue eyes spoke up.

"Prove it." I said, flashing my eyes purple and white. They all stepped back, frightened.
'Riley' shared a glance with the Doctor.

"How did you do that?" The blond guy asked as I put them back.

"I just flashed my eyes, surely she has done it before. It's nothing new." I gestured to the other Riley.

"Since when can I do that?" She asked unbelieving, and a little insulted.

"Since, I discovered that I was a half angel Timelady with the blood of a demon. It was right before I opened the watch." I sassed.

"WHAT?" They were all shocked. I was confused.

"Umm, you don't know anything?" I asked, suddenly regretting my bluntness.

"When I opened the watch, I was human. And with the Doctor, Harold and Aviva." She gestured her friends.

"Aviva? Is that really you?" I looked at her closely, unbelieving.

"Yeah, there isn't another me running around somewhere is there?" She asked in a way that only those who knew her would know she was joking.

"No." I laughed a small scoff, then went back to serious. " Sorry, it's just... your dead. You died in the car wreck during eight grade."

"No I didn't. No one died in that wreck." She protested.

"YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY DIED! I know I was there! I survived without a starch on me. It must have been the angel blood, or demon, who knows." The I yelled and a few lights flickered.

Ok, calm down a bit. Your gonna scare them.

"Your from a different universe, or your mind is just fried." Donna tried to rationalize.
"Yeah, or she smoked something." Riley muttered to my scrutiny. I ignored her.

"How about both? Hey take me to earth. I can prove what I am." I looked at the Doctor, expecting compliance. He was looking at the other Riley, making faces like they were talking.

"Allright. But tell this, who are you married to?" He pointed at my left hand, which had the wedding band on it.

"The Doctor." I straightened and shot a glare towards the other. They continued a silent conversation.

"Hey,Professor X and Marvel Girl communicate with us, I don't want to read your minds if I don't have to. Plus, if you are me then he is your hubby too. Can I get some real clothes?" I asked looking at my dirty, singed, and torn dress.

"Girls take her to get something to wear. No fighting." The Doctor ordered.

I found a pair of jeans, a blue tank top, and some combat boots to wear under my trenchcoat.

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