8. Be Prepared

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Loki's pov

"Deal. Of course you want to know exactly what the bargaining chip is. Hailey come on out." I turned to reveal the small child.

"Your wings awe pwetty, like momma's!"

"Hailey Griffin, the adopted daughter of Riley, able to see beyond normal humans." I picked her up and put her on my shoulders. "I am also partial of her. She will not be harmed."

"Whare mama? I want my mama!" She started to whine so I sat her down on a palette that I made appear and gave her her food.

"You will see mama soon. Just eat and then take a nap, and mama will come to see you."

"Otay." She turned to her lukewarm food sadly.

"Her daughter. You brought her daughter for leverage. Clever...YOU IDIOT! A woman will do anything for her daughter. ANYTHING! She may even take Demon blood! That is the last thing we need."

"She won't. She is too afraid of what might happen. Too afraid she could hurt someone she loves." I nodded at the child.

"No too big of a risk, either find a different piece of leverage, or we don't have a deal." The Angel folded his hands expecting compliance.

"Ah...see I expected that. I suppose I'll have to accept my other deal. From Crowley. Ooh that struck a cord." I smiled at the Angel's shocked face. I turned to face the King of Hell.

"You really need to god proof your demon proofs, you see Mr. Laufeyson can break devil's traps." Crowley smirked and walked up with his hands in his pockets.

"Blackmail." The Angel whispered as his blade appeared. "What do you want?"

"My needs are simple, I want the kid and you want the Weapon."
"What do you want with the girl?" I was worried for her.

"She can see through the masks. I want to know how."
"You will not harm her!" The Demon pit his hands up.

"Me? Nevah! Well no permanent damage anyways. Look if your worried about her mentally, then have the Angels take her soul."

"What? No!" I stepped in front of Hailey and created a shield of energy around us.

"Ooh good idea." The Angel flicked his wrist and I was in a dark cave, chained and unable to use my powers.

Hailey's pov

The men were yelling then Unci was in front of me using the magic. Then he was gone and the man with wings was coming to me. He knelt down.

"Now darling this won't hurt a bit." He lied it hurt A LOT. I screamed as he plunged his hand into my chest and yanked a white light out.

"What is that?" I tried to catch my breath as the man looked at the light.

"Your soul. So innocent and pure... Don't worry I'll keep it safe." He tucked it inside his coat as the man with the red eyes grabbed me.

"Lovely doing buisiness with you."

"Where is Uncle Loki? I WANT MY MOMMY!" All of a sudden we were outside a cell.

"Here he is perfectly fine, as for your adoptive mother...she will come to collect you very soon. Come!"
As the Demon turned, I gave Loki my hair clip and placed a finger on my lips.

He led me to an office and had me sit in a poufy chair.

"Do you know why you're here? What your 'momma' is?"

"Momma is a lady of time. She is an angel that never went to heaven, that's why her eyes are purple."

"Not exactly." He went on telling me what she was that she was like him. I wasn't scared, I didn't feel anything. "Why am in not scared?"

"The Angel took your soul. It contains your emotions, feelings, personality, your core right and wrong. The way I see it your mother will come to collect you, I give her demon blood, tell her about soulless Hailey, she will attack the Angels to get your soul back."

He seemed very sure of his plan.

"What if she collects my soul first then takes Angel blood and kills you?" His smug smile dropped. He leaned forward.

"Only a pure Angel or Demon can intake souls, even if she takes blood she can't touch a human soul."

"You said that you wanted to know how I can see. The answer is that I was born able to. My birth Mother used to tell me that my father was a good man, an angel. That the reason they didn't marry was because of a war in heaven. Said his name was Gallel. Is he really an Angel?"

"He was. He's dead now. In fact I think he lost his grace after he made you. A Nephilim. The child of a fallen angel. Interesting." He looked at me like a huge present. Something stirred inside, discomfort maybe even fear.

"I'm like momma?"

"No, yes,not exactly. Nephilim are Angel/human, with some power your mother was this, then she was given demon blood as a baby. Nephilim are said to be very strong, and able to see the true form of Angels. Sounds like you got sight. Have you heard anything in your head?"

"No. What are you going to do to me?"

He stood up, walked to a metal table, and pushed it over to me. With a flourish he revealed macaroni and cheese with hotdogs.

"Bon Appétit."


As she was eating, Loki used the hair clip to pick the lock on the cell door.
As he crept down the hall he was met by two demons. They went after him one stuck a silver knife in his side while he bobbed under ones punch and swept the feet from under them both. He found a pipe and stabbed them both in the eye.

He wiped the blood off his face and ran out, he could feel his powers return so he popped out of there.

He fell onto carpet. Spots were blocking his vision as he pulled the knife out.

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